I confessed to the girl I love about a week ago, and she sadly turned me down. I am an introvert so it took me about a month to work up the courage to tell her. I had been in love with her for 4 months before I asked her.
My question is, should I keep being persistent like some of my friends tell me to, (They prolly got the idea from love hina or something lol.) or let it just drop....?
Hint for next time: Ask her straight away. The longer you leave it, the less your chance gets. No, don't be persistent, but please box your idiot friends in the head. If she said no the first time, she won't change her mind, and you'll look like a stalker. (Mostly) everyone gets knock backs. Good on you for asking, and it's not the end of the world. Stick in another nickel and start a new round.
> I confessed to the girl I love about a week ago, and she sadly turned me down.
> I had been in love with her for 4 months before I asked her.
You told her you loved her? What did you ask her?
Hopefully this is someone you at least knew as a friend before you jumped the gun and confessed your undying love.
Yeah, we've known each other for about a year now....
I told her I loved her
"I love you" Was what I said to her.
smacks forehead
Despite what you see in television and anime, saying "I love you" like that is a huge turn off to a woman. You'd have to be in a relationship for that to actually work, and even then, It's usually better if she says it first.
I shall note your mistakes.
Now, what you should have done is simple. You should have asked her out on a date. This shows interest, without coming on too strong. But chances are, you would have been stuck down anyway, since you are most likely in the friend zone.
Don't persist either, just give up and go after another women, there are plenty of them out there, They won't bite.
Persisting after that one girl will just mean she will hate you more and more, and by then, you won't even be friends.
Give up, move on. For both your sakes.
Persisting is a horrible idea, it makes you seem really creepy!!
And needy.
Both very unattractive qualities to have.
Hmm. Half a year. Hard to tell. When you talk to people online long enough, you know them better than people offline know them. You let go of your inhibitions when you're safe behind the monitor as a faceless entity. It happens a lot on messgabe boards where people will be talking to each toher for years and become ebst of friends. Sometimes they even evetually meet up IRL. I guess the only thing I can tell you is to keep talking and stay friends at least. No use in letting a perfectly good friendship go to waste. And maybe as time goes on, your feeling towards each other will develop and you'll know if you should pursue a more intimate relationship.
YO #8 srsly dude ur wat 4-ch needs thx man! ur sooo rite i like this girl .... no how da fhak i ask for her sn. >_> i cant even talk to her
I had a girl do this to me before so it goes both ways. It shocked me because I hadn't realized she even thought about me. We stayed friends and a year later I realized I loved her back. We dated a few months, sadly it didn't turn out, but staying friends meant there was a second chance.
Nothing at all wrong with "I love you". It's magic, so long as the woman is in love with you when you say it. In this case, he dumped it on her, but please OP know that this is over.
> staying friends meant there was a second chance.
PLEASE learn English
Nothing and yet something is wrong with it. You are right. It works, but ONLY if she feels that strongly for you. Other times, it's way too strong a word for her and you'll have to slow it down and just date before she really decides.
YES, or perhaps the air hostess was serving BENOIST!!!! MOAR BENOISTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!! When she was attacked and densha rescues her.
Yeah. In a dating situation, particularly one where the girl probably had no clue he even liked her (OP sounds young), it's too much too fast. If OP asks her on a date, she knows he likes her and she starts thinking about it. When the moment comes, she'll be ready. Half the fun of something is looking forward to it. ('Pursuit of Happiness' by Russel Gilbert, Harvard Psych guy.)
hey op here. thanks for all your advice! I have taken her to the movies like 3 times , although i did not really said it was a date. I just asked her to goto the movies with me. We also ate dinner.
hey op here. thanks for all your advice! I have taken her to the movies like 3 times , although i did not really said it was a date. I just asked her to goto the movies with me. We also ate dinner.
gio fucking a pigjy!