Underaged dating (28)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 12:57 ID:WRazeIZr

When it comes to the physical aspect, I like some average sized breasts. C is best, but I can live with B or D. Average build, Thin chicks aren't my thing, but I'm not really all that picky. Petite is fun, but they don't often have the breast I look for.
I don't mind thick women, But I'll only go as far as Queen Latifah thick, anymore and I won't even look at it.
They have to have nice legs and ass. Well shaped. I'm not one for a big ass, I just want one that looks both shapely and juicy but not so big that it looks disgusting. It's hard to describe. Face has to look cute. Don't like Ugly chicks, I may be shallow, but I'd like to go after the good looking girls. Hair has to be nice and clean. Preferably mid-length or as far down as the beginning of the neck. I don't like those super short haircuts. She has to look more femimine. Not one for braids. Just straight or slightly curly at the end.

Personality is simple
She can't be loud. I like a nice reserved girl. Submissive even. (awaits hate from people everywhere.) Now before peoples panties get into a bunch about women having rights or some other bullshit like that. Let me clarify. She can have her goals. I just don't want a loud ass chick that disrespects me. I've been there, done that. And I even knew guys that dated women that disrepected them every so often, but these guys thought they were in love and they got sex and shit so they lived with the bullshit.

Well, I'm not like that. I'd leave a girl if she disrespected me like those other guys, plenty of women in this world. Each one different from the last. I'm bond to find someone that I can chill with. But I'm rambling.

Anyways. Nice girl, reserved. Can't be loud and annoying. I'm staying away from whores. I'd prefer a girl thats into anime/manga or into video games a bit. Either one, but most likely not both. She has to be able to cook. I kinda want a girl with the same diet as me, or similar. I prefer someone who doesn't eat pork. Since I don't either. I don't eat much beef either, but My future girl can eat that however much she wants.

When it comes to sex, open minded, but not too open minded. The guys guys she's messed with, the better.(Oh NOEZ!, I'M INSECURE!) Because my rule is the less girls I've had sex with, the better, Quality, not quantity.

Other things include the fact the the girl can't have ANY kids. I'm willing to change this when I start hunting the 30-40 year old crowd. But anyone in there 20s that has a kid and aren't married are not for me, Kids at a young age show irresponsibilty. One kid can be associated with a mistake, two or more means she's a dumb whore. This only really goes for the younger crowd though, older crowd having kids is expected. But I'm not having older girls anyone. I prefer around my age range.

Man, I tend to type alot.

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