What should I do? (10)

1 Name: . : 2007-10-11 09:37 ID:MYtRnqcC

Hmmm... where to start?

Well, I don't know what to do in my current situation. I have a girlfriend (my first one) but then I think she deserves someone better than me. I don't know what to do, should I continue?

She is really smart, an A grade student, and I'm just an average guy, like average B's. I know that there's plenty of smarter people out there and I reckon it'll be better off for her if she found some one else.

I know for sure that I like her A LOT and she likes me back, she even asked me why I liked her over other girls. There are many things which she is not allowed to do which I'm perfectly fine with. Like how she isn't allowed to go out, that doesn't bother me one bit. I'm happy to be able to spend once a week together.

TL;DR - Girlfriend is smart, I'm average... I reckon she deserves someone who is smart. I just want her to be happy.

What to do?

2 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-10-11 10:25 ID:zxt43zQe

She, of course, deserve somebody who loves her and who she can love back. So you unhappy with perceived difference between two of you and it nagging you that you are less well endowed. Possibly she also more self-secure and more outgoing than you? Its like you feel that you not fit (yet) to walk alongside her as an equal. It problematic for both of you if you no resolve this problem, which lies with you. It definitely problematic for you because feeling inadequate is one of biggest threats to healthy man's ego.

FO advise to not think about what the difference IS, but about what it is you want to become and possibly how she could develop. You no can change the present, but the future still open. That mean there no need for you to break your head about the inequality between you.

Also realise that you are not alone. She is there, capable to decide for herself so please don't be so arrogant to decide for her what is best for her. It may look manly to sacrifice yourself for her wellbeing, but don't justify such plans/decision without her consent. Otherwise you just a pretentious asshole.

3 Name: . : 2007-10-11 12:52 ID:Heaven

hmm... Never thought of it that way.


4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-12 03:04 ID:7i8IwN2m

I'm sort of in the situation your girlfriend is, only I'm a guy. And I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world; she's the most wonderful human being out there as far as I'm concerned. So don't worry about it. Be self-confident. Just because your grades aren't as good, if she loves you and you love her it doesn't matter.

5 Name: . : 2007-10-12 09:07 ID:MYtRnqcC


Well, thanks. I guess I should be happy.

6 Name: Kurono : 2007-10-12 14:24 ID:Q62Thx99

I agree with >>2 and >>4. I would also like to add that she wouldn't be going out with you if she thought that you weren't good enough for her, and if for some reason she did, then you're obviously doing something right. It might feel natural to feel that way, but you should talk to her about it, but ONLY that you feel that you're not good enough for her. Don't tell her that she should go out with someone else. She'll probably tell you what I just said, but if it keeps plaguing you then tell her.

P.S. B is a pretty good grade to get.

7 Name: . : 2007-10-12 15:33 ID:MYtRnqcC

I think my GF had the same feeling. She questioned me before we started, she compared herself to other girls saying how she wasn't as pretty as the others etc. but I told her that she didn't have to be, it was about the personality.

I guess it would be alright to put that behind us, right?

oh yeah, thanks for listening and answering. It feels much better after talking about this.

8 Name: Kurono : 2007-10-16 14:35 ID:Q62Thx99

>>7 No problem. Glad to help. Talking helps, especially with a girlfriend, whenever you have a problem.

9 Name: fartman : 2007-10-18 15:17 ID:+LBIkRSQ

hey man, dont worry too much, and u dont be so foolish to leave her because there r so many smarter guys than u, do u? it sounds like she is happy to be with you.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-19 07:19 ID:lSwVNZxS

are you in high school? those relationships never last so i wouldn't get worked up over it. it'll end one way or another soon enough

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