I have this problems, I'm a 19 year old asian male, my hair is quite long and i'm basically pretty thin.. however, I have a strong affection for black women. I am not talking about the stereotypical black women that talks loudly, I'm speaking about black women that act more white than black.
Where would I find them?
Not here.
tip: don't look in poor areas.
tip: look for blacks who haven't lived very long in the US.(bullshit US-black culture fills alot of black women with that holier than thou crap attitude)
tip: college
tip: historically black college
otherwise anywhere you'd find white women, except rarer.
You could even look at anime conventions.
I know enough black chicks who are halfway otaku without the ghetto attitude.
It's not that hard- Although I'm speaking from a Canadian-perspective.
lol, I'm black and looking for the same thing. There's one girl like that in my logic design class, but she's taken... by a white guy.
Maybe I should stick to Asians.
Your last sentence totally didn't make sense.
If you're in New York, they're certainly all over. Now it's finding one that isn't all ghettofabulous that's the hard part...
I can't help but wonder how I've avoided becoming one of those loud,ghetto, black girls. =_= I live in a poor, crappy, neighborhood, but I've been called a white girl many times. I guess liking anime helped.
Ah NYC. you definately stand a better chance of finding them there. If only I met a girl like you when I was in NYC. ah well.
>Your last sentence totally didn't make sense.
>I think you should stick with blacks...
What? Most Asian girls I know have the qualities I like, which are harder to find in most other races.
Though truthfully, I might have a "thing" for Asians, and thus I've never actually tried to go out with one. It's confusing, but I would hate to go out with someone possibly mainly because of thier race.
As you can imagine, this leads to me hardly ever going out.
Nah, I'm not trying to pick a fight. Your post just sounded a little odd, that's all. You're a black guy, but you're suggesting that it's harder to pick up a girl "of your own kind" (for lack of a better term), than it is to pick up an Asian. It would make more sense if you said you were finding it hard to pick up an Asian girl, and resigned to sticking to black girls instead.
Not intending to start a race debate, I was just curious, that's all.
>> 10
Nothing really wrong with going out with someone based on their race.
I mean, you always use to hear about how much guys loved Blondes, right? Asians are the new blondes! (Or something...)
But as long as you don't consider the chick a trophy girlfriend, then I really don't see any problem. If you can develop a meaningful relationship with someone, I don't see why anything should get in the way.
Everyone has their prefrences~
Trust me, I'm the Nice Guy
Awww. How sweet!
It's kinda nice to know black girls are still desired. Feels like most have a preference for asians and stuff. Even my mother thinks I'll end up with someone Asian.. though I prefer geeky Caucasians myself.
Some people would be of the opinion that you're not a 'Nice Guy' if you use the word 'chick'
>You're a black guy, but you're suggesting that it's harder to pick up a girl "of your own kind" (for lack of a better term), than it is to pick up an Asian.
No, I'm suggesting that it's harder to "pick up" a non-ghetto girl "of my own kind" than it is to pick up a non-ghetto Asian. :p (For obvious reasons.)
Actually, the problem up "picking them up" can come later. Just finding them is hard enough.
In essence I was agreeing with the OP, and joking about me possibly trying to find an Asian instead, for that reason.
Well, I know of this one girl in my class who I found incredibly cute and attractive without the ghetto attitude.. unfortunately, her father is a minister and sorta put a lot of restrictions on her dating life in general.
Anime conventions? I hardly ever see any black girls in the anime conventions that I visit.. well at least the local ones.
>unfortunately, her father is a minister and sorta put a lot of restrictions on her dating life in general.
If that's the case, it's probably because of her father that she's like that.
My father was rather religious as well, so he made sure that his children grew up not acting like people from hip-hop videos on BET.
Of my sisters, the oldest one considers herself a hipster, and the younger two are into anime (my fault).
What's wrong with "chick"? I'm a girl myself, but I never really got what was so demeaning about it. It's the same as using "broads" and "sheilas" isn't it?
Chick is a neutral word.
If he used bitches instead, then your point could be valid.
wow.I'm a [I guess you could say "white-acting"]black girl and I basically have the same problem as the OP.And I like thin asian guys with long hair,but I can never find any!!!!!
[that aren't MEGA weird at that...]
hmm..maybe you should just look for otaku's...or look out for a few of the more quiet girls.just know that there are quite a few of us that don't act like that ^^
and that you'll probably find the right girl
raises hand
Well, I'm totally for any race marrying any race. Live your own life, long hair otaku.
Blah, I hate that whole "white acting" crap. People who say that rather ignorant. Since when has color determined personality?
I remember when I was younger and my friend was comparing where everyone lived at. He lived in the projects, so he said he lived in the black area, and that I lived in the white area.
I always found it irritating.
I was trying to restate it how the OP said it ^^
but yeah...I know it is pretty sad that people use race to determine personality sometimes.I guess they use it for a lack of words to describe what they mean sometimes...
But I guess I'm so used to it now that I don't really care how people define it because stereotypes are just so ridiculous ^^
I'm not one to stereotype people, I usually treat anyone and everyone nicely unless they become the big three: rude, loud, and obnoxious.
You can thank the modern "Civil Rights" charlatans for that attitude. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and that wacko Louis Farrakhan. As far as I know those constitute the three people that have been the face of race relations in the US since I was a kid, anyway.
I miss MLK...
I am not asian but I love black females and asian females!
Did I post too late?
Hi all,
I was very excited when I saw this thread as I'm a black woman from NY (I live in CA now) who is interested in dating asian men. I'm am older (39), not loud never really fit into the "black culture" of NY which seemed to dictate that if you are black then you had to date black. I never bought into that way of thinking. My parents are from South America so although I grew up in Brooklyn, we were raised a bit differently from black Americans from say the south or native to NY. Anyway, I love anime, manga and even before getting into that, I had a great respect for Japanese culture and found it fascinating.
What is troubling for me is that the world seems to have a perception of US black females as being loud and ghetto, when many black women are not like that. We're educated, cultured, well read, nice. What is shown on TV isn't always the way it is. I think that is what makes people in general of other cultures shy away from Black Americans. Let me rephrase, either they shy away or they want to be ghettofied because they see hip-hop etc and expect everyone black to act that way. My 4 year old's father is white and I remember when we were engaged that he would talk to me in this BET style, like that's what I would relate to, when he knew from when we met that I wasn't like that.
As for the attitude,some people get frightened by the "strong black woman". It's not that black women want to intimidate, it's just that due to how life can be here in the US, especially in the cities, black women have had to be stronger. We have to pull ourselves up sometimes without family support or if there are children involved, we have to be mom and dad. Many times you feel like everyone looks down on you because of race. That feeling really, really sucks for lack of a better word. I remember being told or reading somewhere that if you are a woman, you had it hard in terms of work and society, but if you were a black woman, you could just about forget about it. You didn't have a chance. As a black woman you have to work 3x as hard to prove yourself.
I do have a question: why is it that men of different races want a black woman who looks white? Is there something wrong with black women who look black?
Anyway, sorry for the long post. Just wanted to add my 2cents.
To the OP, I think someone further up mentioned colleges, anime conventions, and even in the "ghetto" areas you may find a nice girl..I was out there so I'll assume that there are other young black women of substance. Also, I'd suggest clubs such as the Meetups. I know that here in San Diego, there are Japanese meetups, Anime meetups, as well as other interest Meetups. Try checking those out. Good Luck
Oh yeah, I have one more question: Do you all know if older Japanese men around my age are interested in black women or is dating a black woman something that the younger set would more easily embrace? I had read that Arthel Neville (I don't know if you all would know who she is) is married to a Japanese man who is rather hot. He is a drummer who has worked with her father Art Neville of the Neville Brothers. Anyway, I thought after reading about them, that if she can meet a nice Japanese man, why couldn't I.
I'm somewhere from asia and I have a problem catching English. So I can't communicate with English speakers. That's why I can't bring myself to be friendly with them. Language barier gives me a hard time.
I am a white guy. As far as "why is it that men of different races want a black woman who looks white? Is there something wrong with black women who look black?" all I can tell you is from my own perspective.
Really dark skin isn't in and of itself a turn-off.
Big noses and big lips are, however.
So is a big ass and enormous thighs.
Afros do not look like something I want to run my hands through, bury my face in and smell.
It looks really weird when the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands don't match the rest of your skin colour.
Many young black women look totally hot from the neck down.
There's more to it than looks. There's posture, accent and a whole array of other socialized behaviors that are off-putting to people who are not "accustomed" to blacks.
There's the ever present aggravation of having to not offend you or hurt your feelings, because any little incident could possibly end up as a federal case with Al Sharpton waving a placard in your front yard. This is called "White Guilt", and is actually more of a fear and paranoia than guilt.
It is a well known fact that all black people know each other. This causes other races to be paranoid around them. This is confirmed by the fact that whenever you insult an individual black person, you end up apologizing to their entire race.
Black women with lighter skin and more "Euro" features look more familiar to white guys like myself, and make us feel comfortable. The more there is to remind us of the difference, the more we're likely to treat you as the avatar of an entire race instead of the individual you are.
And there is also the "I just don't know" factor. I look at a lot of porn on the internet. There are often black women on the porn sites I look at. I do look at them, but it's mostly curiosity. Why? Because no matter how long I look, my penis will not get hard. It is a rare instance that I see a black woman (in porn or IRL) that causes my loins to stir. That is not conscious, that is Mr Devil-in-my-pants making decisions. The black women who DO elicit penile hardening are normally the light skinned, "white" featured types, or more normally the "woman of ambiguous ethnicity" that you see in a lot of t.v. commercials.
I am a white guy and none of this is a problem to me.
Here is your Racially Sensitive White Man medal. Wear it with pride.
Dude...not every black woman has an afro. I think most nowadays try to keep straight, long, hair you can run fingers through. And not every black person knows every other black person. Depends on where they're from and live. And you don't have to act like you need to treat a black person like they're so easily offended. Not every one is going to flip out over little things. Just treat them with the same respect as anyone else? And as a black woman, I for one am definitely not a fan of that Al Sharpton dude. Gah, I hate him.
Sorry to offend your conservative values, but I got beyond the
> "I just don't know" factor
years ago.
I don't have a racial-fixation and race isn't a major issue to me, as long as the woman is not obese and I don't withdraw in horror at the sight of her face, I'd give it a go.
I now return you (>>34) to your regularly scheduled internet porn masturbation session.
Thank you for your input. I am happy to hear that you are very open to new things and culture. Many people around my area, both black and white, stuck to what they grew up with.
As for an older asian man, I am sure that you could probably find one that would be interested in you. Unfortunately, most of them are socially awkward in situations like that. But, if you can break him free, he'll treat you right.
Hope you do find someone that you can love as much as he loves you :)
I'm a white guy, and my current love interest is a black woman. But I haven't quite asked her out yet; it might not get very far.
But if it does, I'd like to know if there's anything white men do that black men don't do, and that black women would respond negatively to. I want to just avoid the Dumb White Guy mistakes.
I'm one of those "Rare Black Females"...I'm not loud at all, I'm a very polite person...Everyone calls me "White" or "Oreo" because of my mannerism and intelligence. And I'm from New York City, a bad neighborhood at that. But I was raised properly, thank goodness.
I'm actually not attracted to black men. I prefer Asian, Spanish, or White.
But I'm happily taken :) My bf is actually Asian. (love him lots)
And just to add, I don't have a huge nose/lips, they're pretty normal/ nice. My body is "perfect" as from what I hear...everything is just right, not too big not too small, crves in the correct places. (I suppose. I guess that's why a lot of guys try to touch me out of nowhere...) And I straighten my hair (my curly hair annoys me), not an afro or whatever other stereotype is out there. Like I said, I have curly hair.
hands over a gold medal which looks suspiciously like a power star