I don't have a job. The only place I can meet women is on the Internet.
Now, with that in mind, here's my situation and question. I'm male, 21 years old. I've found the only way for me to get good relationships is by having friends introduce me to potential girls, because the girls I meet online are total sluts.
Is there some kinda site or forum where guys can go to make friends with women? I just need a girl to use as a 'springboard' to meet her friends. Any suggestions?
Work on your social life, sir.
Spring-boarding is hella easy once you start making the connections and going through the circles in real life.
The internet? You're gonna meet 45/m/kentucky
And job isn't the best place to meet girls. Most people them through friends, school, then clubs, bars, etc..
If you don't have a job, you have time. So you can participate in activities which please you, and where you can meet like-minded women,... As to what activities in particular, it depends on your tastes, but must involve some live interaction.
And to use someone as springboard to meet other people is a risky strategy. You need a lot of time, with no garantees. Best is to make real friends.
Just to point out -- you make your money, your bread and butter, from work.
Don't get your meat from where you get your bread. It'll spoil the sandwich.
Meet some nice girls at church
I do agree with him. Church is free and there are tons of people that gather there every weekend. Plus, they have social activities that you can participate in.
That's one place to start. Also, another place would be to check out your local colleges to see if there are any anime clubs.
LOL anime clubs
>>9 Taking this post seriously (which I probably shouldn't do):
Meeting a girl at an anime club is tricky. Sure, there might be girls there (maybe!), and sure, they might be available. However, my experiences have taught me that all females present at anime clubs are:
1) Taken
2) Lesbian
4) All of the above.
Consider it a viable option, but use extreme caution.
If you were to socialize out of all the clubs you are choosing anime clubs... you ain't gonna find real women there
hey , its not like we are the norm here. lower your standards
Get a job, preferably somewhere where Otaku unite.
A wise man once said:
"Anyhow, there are plenty of people to meet and violate at the cons, but be sure to keep these statistics in mind:
1/2 of these people are female (ie. they have a vagina)
1/2 of those people are distinguishably female
1/2 of those people are females you would want to sex
1/2 of those people are not lesbians
1/2 of those people are not infected with an STD
1/2 of those people are not furries
1/2 of those people are not “saving themselves” for marriage
1/2 of those people are remotely sane and tolerable to talk to
…and she probably won’t be drunk enough."
i have a good idea
you're a shutin loser, kill yourself
that list is actually accurate.