when a girls said lets jsut be friends how do you react?
At first get upset, but then I say "Fuck it" because I know it's not love, it's a dependency/lust which I will get over sometime soon. Then I be like "Word."
That depends upon my own intentions, whether it's lust, infatuation or obsessive stalking.
well depends.. if they pretend they like me..
I get pretty angry
else.. well, my own fault I was stupid enough to ask them while I knew they didn't like me that way.
those are just 2 things most commonly for me..
>well depends.. if they pretend they like me..
>I get pretty angry
+2. I liked a girl and after we'd known each other for a month or two she revealed she had a crush on me when she first met me. She didn't say "I don't now though". So I thought hmm yeah maybe she still likes me, we still got on very well. Then she starts dropping loads of hints about me being a good friend and I'm like shit. I'm ok with that now (Bit jealous if I hear about her and other guys, but that's nothing new) but she seems to be distancing herself, probably thinking I'm not OK just being friends and might do something silly if we are together too much. Annoyingly she has been a bit all-over-me on some nights out. So it's like make your fucking mind up!
I feel like I have to convince her I'm over her by getting another girlfriend! But I'm not bothered about having any girlfriend at the moment - I don't just want to get with somebody to show I'm not hung-up.
>>5 >So it's like make your fucking mind up!
Ick, that girl sounds like my ex. boyfriend >_< And they say girls are supposed to be the ones like that. Tsch.
He then at one point dumped me, being vague about it, and then a few months later went "What, no! I didn't rreeeally dump you! Let's still be together!". This after virtually zero contact since he dumped me, and him dating several other girls in the meanwhile. I told him he was an asshole and to shove it.
>>5, don't let her push you around too much. You don't deserve to be treated like a backup toy she can do whatever she wants with, nor should you get with someone just to prove you're not hung-up. Don't react to her, because that's like she still matters that much to you... Paradoxically if you get together with someone just to prove you're not hung up, you're proving you are! Get together with someone because you like that person, not because she's a total bitch who can't decide.
Thanks, glad I'm not the only one to have gone through this sort of thing.
The problem is that her younger sister was at school with me in the year below (the girl was in the year above me). Her sister has been a bitch about the girl supposedly "stealing" her friends, even though she doesn't ever hang out with us or get in contact. I think if that wasn't part of the picture then we would definately have got it together. At the moment I think she's convinced herself it won't work because of her sister, but isn't quite backing down enough.
So I'm just playing it cool, not trying to come off as chasing her, just trying to make her laugh and have fun when we're together (although not obviously directing it at her, just making the group laugh) and just trying to smarten myself up (new clothes, been exercising etc)
It's got me thinking in a weird kind of limbo where I feel like I'm over her, but I still would be very pleased (and would say yes) if she started being involved in trying to be more than friends. Suppose I should've made my own topic for this!
"Let's just be friends" means "I love to use you and I think you don't deserve to have babies ever!"
When a girl says "Let's just be friends," I say "Let's not, fuck you, and see ya' later." I can't be friends with a girl I've had before, probably still want, and worst of all, can't have. I'm just hurting myself in the long run by not moving on. I've had two of my ex-girlfriends say this to me and I haven't seen them since. I'm much better off by not sticking around.
It happened to my friend about a year ago, then she realized how good he was to her then they finally hooked up.
Mostly chance.
>>9 indeed. my theory is, when they say that, they just want us around to make themselves feel good about themselves. for example, bitch says to herself "im not a slut, because i have <nice guy name> who cares for me and doesnt want to fuck me and he would never want to hang around with a dirty slut"
stupid whores