theres a girl that i'm in love with that i know her for 2 years. shes a really really shy type of girl who isnt use to being around with guys. since last year she she rejected me once but she really cares about me for some reason and this year we're more close then before. last year i looked more fat and dorky looking but this year i've lost weight and styled up my hair and stuff and i noticed that when we do go out (although its really rare since she hardly goes out with guys) like i've seen her secretly looking at me quite alot. i've tried getting over her when i got rejected, even tried to date other girls but none of them are as good as her, she really understands me out of everyone and knows most things about me. she can tell if i'm different such as if i'm depressed and that i'm hiding it, and i really never had this feeling for any girl, shes the most special from all the girls i've met.
i also had 2 fights with her this year which the 2nd fight i thought we would really end, but she gave me another chance and we got back to close griends again like now, she even said i've improved from the past and gotten better. in the past i was really attached to her and she mightve been annoyed and hardly talked to me, so now i kept a distant and she tells me stuff and talks to me normally. even though she said i'm only a really good friend, i really wish i can get a chance with her, even if i have to wait for another year i really wont mind. i truely love her and we've really supported each other alot. to her, apart from her family friend that are guys, i seem to be the only one close to her. are we just gonna be friends forever?!
It seems the answear depends partly on you, and what you do,...
ask her out- if she agrees then yay.
if not- it's time to move on as she's using you for emotional support and the moment she no longer needs you, you guys will drift apart. she's probably not a horrible person that will throw you aside but the friendship is based on your need for her love and her need for a close friend to support her. If she can find someone to be close with that she doesn't have to worry about accidentally leading on, she'll end up closer to that person. and from then on- slowly but surely, she'll just be more and more distant without even noticing what she's doing.
Hay OP how long did you two wait before talking and becoming friends again? I just want to know because it's to try and save a friend ship with the only girl I know. Please help me.
>>4 i waited for about a month or two before we started talking again, we slowly started our friendship and pretend that the fight never happened. even though i did kinda gave her a hard time so i thought i'll give her some time to chill.
>>3 its hard to ask her out cos i dont think shes ever gone out with anyone, although we do sometimes meet up exchanging stuff cos i live pretty close to her house. shes not the type using me for emotional support, i've met girls like that and they just dumped me once they didnt need any emotional support. with this girl, it was mainly she was my emotional support in the past but now its more both, she normaly gets her emotional support from her friends at school (she goes to a girl school). i was thinking i'll just slowly naturally get her to like me but that might take alot of time =/