I'm coming to the conclusion that there are virtually no nice girls out there. And by "nice" I mean courteous. 99% of attractive girls act like cunts, and the only girls who don't are hideous (of course this doesn't preclude the existance of bitchy girls who are also hideous, of which there are a fair amount).
What's the deal? Why do all of the girls I might potentially find an interest in have to behave like douchebags? I don't even see the point of making an effort to get to know girls anymore.
because.... well, you're not looking hard enough, or you have to expand your horizons.
Taking it from the more Rousseau-esque standpoint, girls are cunts because they're "pressured" by society into working on their appearance and not their personality.
If a girl is attractive, she is going to have loads of "nice guys" coming up to her everyday asking her out in unconfident ways. By being a cunt and just ignoring them it's better for everyone in the long run as they don't waste their time on someone they have no interest in and the guy is given a clear message to leave it alone, sparing him any further harm if he thinks he may have a chance so keeps chasing just to find she was just being polite with his advances.
Even girls who show some reciprocal interest to begin with ultimately end up being cunts though.
Yeah, I guess, unless you can spark a deep-rooted change in them- something that happens eventually, but it's often not worth the wait...
I found one, and am currently in the middle of a enormous crush.
I have to admit it's very rare though.
you stupid to think they no nice girl.
>>2 fuck you cunt, ive looked everywhere. im with OP on this one. im sick of useless fucks telling me to "look harder". so gtfo you cunt before i skullfuck you to death
There definitely does seem to be some sort of correlation between appearance and personal character or positive behaviour but I am not entirely sure why. Most of the so-called "attractive" females tend to be rude, nasty and self-centered and not just to guys but to each other. Yes, this is a generalization but I still can't help but shake off this impression having seen it play out day by day. I suppose the bright side though is that not every girl is like this, you just have to keep looking.
sad, lonely troll
That's because they haven't met anyone who forced them to be humble.
>>8 there are a lot of nice, beautiful everywhere, the true is ur not talking to them.
It's because most societies allow attractive girls to be bitches, as long as they're pretty. If you want girls to be nice to you, force them into it.
True, there are nice girls by heart. But I also agree that most girls that are legal are bitches. From what I've seen at work which is basically a hangout place, forcing it won't work. In my opinion, you need to somehow get their attention and set a good example. If you can't get their attention or they don't find your views appealing. Just move on. You need someone to respect you for what you want and ideal in. If thats still 99% of attractive girls, then you're just downright picky =P.
I talk to so of them but they just don't happen to be single.
this is one sad thread, i bet everyone here who complains is either American, or British.
Well, considering this is an english speaking forum, it's only logical to assume such.
So can I assume that the nice girls are not in USA nor in the UK and therefore all other countries in the world have plenty of them?
I'm not in any of the above mentioned nations yet I find it hard to find nice single females.
...because those are the only two English speaking countries in the world.
They are the two most highly populated countries whose citizens speak English as their primary language.
There is of course Canada and Australia as well (among others) but their populations combined are smaller than that of the UK alone.
So yes, if you run across someone speaking English as their first language, statistically the odds are greatly in your favor to assume that they are from the United States or the UK.
I think I've figured it out (for the majority of cases at least).
Girls are dicks to guys who act interested in them because they naturally assume that all guys who express interest in them are just sleazeballs trying to get into their pants, and so they treat them as such, even the ones who really are interested in more than just sex.
The odds are in your advantage, but the person you replied to said "EVERYONE". Is EVERYONE who complains REALLY from only the UK or the US?