Happy thread. ^_^; (14)

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-01 01:45 ID:AEM5ubvT

I accidentally ended up going out with a boy i didn't care about about this time last year.
I rarely saw him more than once every two weeks, and then even in passng. Needless to say I cheated on him at every occasion.
Then we went to the movies, and then I let him come over for dinner the next week.
It's been a year and we're in love, I want only him.
I don't even know what love is and I get so scared sometimes that I'm gonna break it by doing X, Y and Z and what am I going to do when I go to University.
But he holds me close and tells me I'm the oxygen for his lungs and the haemoglobin in his blood and I'm the only reason his heart will beat.
And we're in love.

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