Halp, please? (21)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-05 21:03 ID:TqHHHVLf

I need to learn how to be a great kisser, any tips, how to's, advice?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-05 21:21 ID:CdMUrqRg


Well, maybe start easy, I guess that would be a reasonable approach.

If you like the girl, and she likes you, you'll get plenty of occasions to practice, no stress.

And the first times you will both be so excited that it really doesn't matter, it will work anyway.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-05 23:12 ID:Mez2UpuN

As a 27 y/o who hadn't kissed a girl since Jr High, I just got involved with someone very affectionate, and discovered that it doesn't take much but excitement to be good at it after the first time; Start with a kiss on the cheek, if you're unsure, and if it's returned, just slowly move on to the lips, lightly, then stronger and fuller; (Might I add that french kissing is even more fun, once you've kissed normally, and you're both excited enough to try it! Basically if you both start to open your mouths, and the tips of your tongues touch, there's no harm in going a step further, and effectively playing footsie with your tongues!)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 06:38 ID:TqHHHVLf

Yeah..What I need help in is frenching and heavier kissing.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 07:28 ID:TqHHHVLf

I would like all the advice I can get

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 07:31 ID:MKIbEotb

No you don't. You should kiss like you feel.

7 Name: >>3 : 2007-11-06 10:17 ID:lrF5fpuB

#3 here, and I agree with >>6... There's really no further advice to give... You go with what you feel... I mean, you know the definition of a kiss, and the definition of french kissing, and I think I mentioned, at least in my experience, how they were initiated, beyond that, it's all touch & feel, between you and the other person, you just go with what feels exciting for both of you; Should there be any messups during kissing, trust me, you'll both giggle and go right back to it more than before, it really doesn't matter...

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 12:08 ID:Heaven

This thread is reminding me how I miss the soft touch of female lips.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 12:10 ID:EB2NfIWA

> Should there be any messups during kissing, trust me, you'll both giggle and go right back to it more than before, it really doesn't matter...

That's the best scenario. The worst scenario could end up with you being dumped for being a bad kisser.

No pressure, by the way.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 13:12 ID:g0FGPcy9

This thread is reminding me how I never had the soft touch of female lips...:(

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 14:37 ID:PiD+nIIp

Don't be sloppy/too much saliva, that's just gross.

And don't do fishlips or guppy mouth, there's no need to devour her.

Don't stiffen your tongue, your not trying to fuck her face...at least not yet ;), keep it loose, keep it relaxed, and it's waaaay more enjoyable.

And close your eyes, it's dodgy when guys stare right at you. It makes you feel unnerved and creeped out, or like he's not enjoying the kiss, or not concentrating on the kiss, so he's inadvertantly not concenrating on you.

Do something with your hands while you're doing it; play with her hair, caress her back or neck, or if she's that kinda gal, grab her bum ;) just don't let them hang by your side.

Slow is as good as passionate.

"Open mouth" kisses are also doable.

Sweet pecks and closed mouth kisses are good too, it tells her your not just wanting to get into her pants, which I know is what you want to do, but it is better to mix it up.

Okay I think I'm done. Sorry if it's too much, but it all comes natural mostly, just go with the flow, and you'll be fine :)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 18:31 ID:mpgFn86m

Start out with a simple closed mouth kiss and then go at her pace if you are unsure. So if she starts to open her mouth, do the same. Do stuff similar to what she's doing. Don't rush into trying to french kiss straight away. Personally french kissing doesn't do anything for me (I'm a hetero male) apart from very rare occassions.

I also have to join the "missing the feeling of kissing soft feminine lips" club that this thread has turned into!

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 19:37 ID:YliDgep8

I just feel so damn uncoordinated when it comes to open mouth kissing, It may just be all in my mind or I may just need practice. Either way thanks for the advice, ill try to keep it in the back of my mind next time.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-06 20:01 ID:J/34rUSz


>Should there be any messups during kissing, trust me, you'll both giggle and go right back to it more than before

or she'll start to push you away every time you try to kiss her without explaining why, then slowly start to lose interest in you, only to have you find out weeks later that she thought you were a bad kisser but didn't feel like saying anything/helping you out.

15 Name: Default : 2007-11-06 23:48 ID:gpIBHq+P

nor have I. Oh, well. I hope to this school year.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-07 21:28 ID:ToKNcDZE

mess-ups =/= bad kissing. Mess ups are things like bumping teeth. If you do it once you're careful not to do it again too often.

Just try to relax. If you are all tense your movements will be jerky and uncoordinated. Relax and just do what you feel you can do.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-08 02:44 ID:MKIbEotb

Oh lawd....

If you're thinking about how to do it, trying to do it after some preconcepted idea, you will get nervous, it will seem like a routine, it will loose feeling and soul, in short; it will suck.

Just work up some excitement, I'm sure you know how to fucking do that. Then, stop thinking in terms of wrongs and rights, relax yourself from thinking all together and just feel your way. Forget what you've learnt and seen and all that. Do what you want to do, do what you feel like doing.

There is no science to this shit, this is instincts and emotions. It will never be half as good kissing like "the pro's", as it will be, kissing like you. Basically you just need to stop directing yourself, worrying, being afraid and judging yourself. Spare that for work and social life. When it comes to acts of passion, you just be yourself, ok?

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-09 07:48 ID:XDC4Js8z

Ask your mother how she kisses you before you go to sleep after she gives your father fellatio.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-09 07:50 ID:v5qTo/Lu

You could always get a lesbian friend and ask her to help you practice kissing. Worked for me.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-10 15:49 ID:uSWnmwQf

Isn't a 'good kisser' rather subjective? I doubt that everyone would agree on what makes for a good kiss.

21 Name: Kurono : 2007-11-13 14:32 ID:DEfzGLsV

To all those looking for tips, look no further. You have everything you need to be a good kisser. Just go with it. Everything should come naturally. If you need some tips though, then don't worry if you clank teeth, and just be into it. Don't just be there. You should be genuine and the girl should like that you're being genuine. And for those who haven't kissed, don't worry you'll get a chance. Hell I did, and I thought I never would.

P.S. If you really have to practice, use a fisted up hand, like where the thumb would be at, or a doorknob. Saw it in some crazy talk show, though I've never done it.

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