H.M. Workshop: Meeting women (57)

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-14 00:41 ID:TplQpdOJ

I would. I'm a woman and what he said is pretty juvenile.

Listen, >>30, what you suggest may work while you're in your late teens, early twenties. Many girls around that age are don't have any idea what to do with themselves - much less what to look for in a prospective partner. The 'alpha-male' thing, as you describe it, is dominant - but only superficially so. You give off an oder of being strong, coarse, and unattainable; like you said, you float around in their thoughts because of it. Most insecure young women are attracted to that, but believe me, the attraction wears off pretty quickly.

I used to like to a guy like that. He'd insult me smarmily, ignore me, and then acted like he didn't care when I brought it up. However, when I began to foster my own interests (painting and science) and my own identity, I didn't like him and his rude behavior anymore. A girl's attraction to you in these situations is very transient in nature - once she stops dwelling on you, you stop looking attractive to her. In fact, most girls with a sense of self want partners who respect them and are stable - they can have a dominant personality, but it isn't all a show.

In closing, what he said does work, but only if you're looking to pick up insecure bitches who you probably wouldn't want to date anyway.

PS: It's really hard for women to win here. If we try to make ourselves look nice in a way that's EXPECTED BY SOCIETY, we're 'insecure about our looks.' And when we don't, we're 'slovenly whores.' Does no one else see the paradox here?

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