singles rant thread: ~!~HYAPPATSU~!~ Edition (49)

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-09 08:50 ID:JEc7MgK2

I went to a Rocky Horror Picture Show showing tonight and I am somewhat more into someone i wasn't previously into because... I don't know. Just, the way they were there and being the aisle walker guy. He has become more appealing I guess.

I should go for it, but it'll be my first relationship. Id it better to go for a possibly bad first relationship, or wait for a really good one? I mean, if you wait for a good one, it may be good for a very long time, then it falls to shit and every date thereafter is shit compared to that first one. If I were to get a possibly bad first, maybe it'll build experience/make me know what not to looks for/make every other date seem better.

Ok I'm bantering. But I may not be single. This is an extremely scary thought...

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