Asking a good friend out (8)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-04 16:03 ID:2prKwLTj

I know all about the friend zone etc., but in my case where both myself and my good friend are somewhat shy people who have never been in a meaningful relationship, how can I explain my feelings for her? We go out on "dates" all the time, and I've spent more money than I would've liked to already on her, so that's not a valid way to win her affection.
I know this question is asked many times, but browsing all the threads I couldn't find a formulaic method to adress my specific problem. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. <3
I'm a guy btw.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-04 17:06 ID:+4UaTAv0

When you go out, are you alone or with other friends?

Otherwise just do activities lovers would do. This will create the right mood to start behaving like lovers, even if you did not say it plainly. Instead of asking her out, just go out with her,...

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-04 17:37 ID:2prKwLTj

That's my problem I do those things alone already but want to be more intimate.

4 Name: Bruno!c/qvnY6ybs : 2008-01-04 18:10 ID:keVCGNbw

Try going with friends one time, if she really likes you most likely see it. While on the date, when the time feels right to you, tell her how you feel, it might work that way. Try it, intimate otoko!

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-04 20:53 ID:iU83M2Gx


Then why not talking about relationships, love, and this kind of topics? At least you can feel her mood about this kind of things. You could watch together movies that set you in the right mood also,...

But the best approach imho is just to go danse with her. It should be quite effective in getting you used to touch each other, and establishes an excellent non verbal bound between both of you.

Of course, by dancing I mean dances where you hold your partner, and not just dance alone.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-04 21:06 ID:uKb8wzPz


Flirt with her, and watch her reaction. After a couple weeks like that, tell her you really like her and want to date her.

It is possible that she already has a crush on you.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-05 00:13 ID:1C33nNgS

Wait, wait, wait. You take this girl out often, pay for her all the time, and you're NOT already a couple? What the hell are you thinking! If you're not locking lips with this girl you're nothing but her stooge.

Okay, let's get things sorted out. You're already like a boyfriend to her because you're always taking her out, you know everything about her, and she knows everything about you. The only thing missing is the intimacy and that's why you're stuck as friends.

If she's harboring a crush on you, that'll make things easier. Take her out less often but make the dates more special and personalized, i.e: you're putting a lot of thought into them. Then, at the end of the date, just go for a quick kiss on the cheek. I would avoid confessing, its better to let your thoughts be expressed in body language.

If she's not really into you, boy howdy is it gonna be tough. DO NOT confess under any circumstances. You need to withdraw from her life and start acting like a romantic interest. Go down the traditional path of dating.

You'll be able to tell whether or not she really likes you on your dates. If she talks and acts around you the same way she talks and acts around her friends, she's not into you. How much do your dates feel like dates? As in, how much does it feel like you're interviewing each other as a potential partner?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-05 00:55 ID:2prKwLTj

Thanks this really helped.

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