American women: any hope? (14)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 03:54 ID:OOy1wgQV

One theme I hear over and over from people of varying ability in meeting women, is that American women are to be avoided. The most common claims are:

  • American women have lost their feminine charm by adopting male fashion and hygiene habits, i.e. short haircuts, jeans, T-shirts.
  • American women no longer contribute to vital household skills like cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing, as popular culture has branded these activities as "undignified".
  • American women still think they're princesses and need to be pampered, whether they earn it or not.
  • Oprah.

This meme seems to be popular with virgins and pick-up artists alike, and so you see people who only date Latinas, only date Japanese or Asign girls, and so forth. But just because a lot of people believe it doesn't make it true.

I, for one, don't date very much, and so all the women I know I've only evaluated from the point of view of a friend. So I don't really know how to judge the merit of this meme, except that it's a stereotype. And stereotypes never apply to an entire population. But on the other hand, I've never heard anyone say that American women are better than foreign women, and I find that a little disquieting.

In your part of the world, whether inside or outside of America, how do American women compare to the rest, in general? Please indicate your level of dating experience when you answer.

And might there be some way that American women are better? As in, better for men to date. If you knew a guy who announced he was only dating foreign women, then how would you convince him otherwise?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 04:11 ID:heRbQ4q1

In my experience, the only reason american women would be better than japanese women to date would be because japs never shave their pubes off because in their society because in their culture it deems them to be a whore. >>1 i agree with you on your 4 points stated above. australian women are much the same. i also used to date a british girl who fitted this stereotype.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 06:43 ID:qO1+ZDvR


This is not an american vs foreign women issue, but a emancipated vs traditional woman issue.

Your list of stereotypes apply equaly well to West European women, and even more and more to Japanese women.

This is why it's more and more popular for men to pick up a woman from a poor country and so marry a more submissive woman,... Ironically the same trend is appearing among western woman, who also go pick up partners in poor countries.

You don't need to be a genius to understand why some people would prefer to have a submissive partner, rather than someone who stands on an equal foot with them

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 07:19 ID:I2gKCwB0

I don't know, but I know I've dated Japanese girls who shave their pubes clean off and those who don't, and to tell you the truth I for some reason prefer the latter on a Japanese girl. It just does it for me. I kinda like running my hands through them while I'm going down on her. It's usually so warm and soft, like a teddy bear or a kitty cat. It's a huge turn-on.
Not that kitty cats are turn-ons, but you get my drift.
But yeah, the shaved girl was really aggressive and mean. The others were usually nice to me.
I would say more or less all girls are the same, as far as nationality goes, at least in the sense that they're all different and you never know what you're getting into. Hell, we all watch the same moves and listen to the same music, we more or less share a popular culture. Our ideals and mores are more similar than they've ever been before.
But yeah, Japanese girls with thick bushes do it for me. Mmm...I miss it.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 07:42 ID:/troGZbE

Bush just looks awful.

There is nothing like rubbing your face against a freshly shorn pubic mound. Except for maybe motorboating her pussy lips right after.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 07:46 ID:I2gKCwB0 each his own.
Me, I'll take it how I can get it.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 09:00 ID:2VaKtSwj

Ive had my share of girls myself and I agree with many of the comments here.
>>4 yes women who shave are generally either alot more slutty or alot more aggressive and seem to think they are princesses, not queens cause they dont want to be considered old or anything but princesses.
>>1 I can offer you this from my experience, American women are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to dating. I usually always end up with some full on american chick when Im trying to find a nice japanese girl or a nice french canadian. Which for some reason I never do, probably the language barrier but I hope to resolve that soon.
End statement-stay away from american women if you want to keep your sanity and your love for existance and women.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 21:43 ID:/troGZbE

I don't know about any of you, but I WANT a girl with short hair who wears jeans and shaves her pussy. She doesn't have to be American, but her personality should be confidant and aggressive. I don't want to date a fucking door mat, like some of you seem to desire.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-09 23:10 ID:Heaven

Don't cut your pussy shaving in the bath!
Your genitalia is beautiful and so should be protected!

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 04:37 ID:I2gKCwB0

I don't want a doormat but I don't want a mean-spirted bitch either.
I don't believe all boy/girl relationships have to be one party abusing the other.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 04:43 ID:Heaven

> You don't need to be a genius to understand why some people would prefer to have a submissive partner, rather than someone who stands on an equal foot with them

Why use the world 'people'?
Are there a whole lot of women who want submissive men, just hiding out in a cave somewhere?
Could it be dominance/submission is hard coded into the human consciousness and is not an evil, malignant, social injustice but simply part of a greater gender specialization that propagates the species?

Naw, let's keep lying to ourselves about human nature.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 05:05 ID:MfO55Ivp

>>American women have lost their feminine charm by adopting male fashion and hygiene habits, i.e. short haircuts, jeans, T-shirts.

I disagree with the idea that any of these things are anti-feminine. Girls jeans and T-shirts are made for their curves. Short haircuts can be just as feminine as long, flowing hair. Of course, a girl with an oversized jeans, t-shirt and buzzcut won't be feminine but those three elements in general aren't anti-feminine. And what makes for "feminine" clothes anyway? Skirts and blouses?

>>American women no longer contribute to vital household skills like cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing, as popular culture has branded these activities as "undignified".

Not sure what's giving you that idea. Those skills are still highly valued. Many of my female friends enjoy cooking and their rooms are spotless. I think sharing housework between the man and woman is more important.

>>American women still think they're princesses and need to be pampered, whether they earn it or not.

That's part of Gen. X and Gen. Y's ideology of pampering. In the 80's and 90's, parents were having less kids and putting them in more activities in hopes of making them "gifted" and "special" That, plus kids free access to the Internet and instantaneous everything means a general sense of entitlement.

So it's true that many girls have an inflated sense of entitlement, but its not as widespread or severe as its made out to be. For every Paris Hilton there's ten hard working down-to-earth girls.


FUCK OPRAH. She is trying to make women the master sex and turn all men into sniveling dogs who worship the ground females walk on.

Considering I've never been out of the country, I can't say American girls are "better" or "worst" than women from other countries. I don't think they're completely unworthy of dating, though

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 14:03 ID:Heaven


>Are there a whole lot of women who want submissive men, just hiding out in a cave somewhere?

Man, I wish this were the case. I love being controlled, in a good way. Not like most women control.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 19:00 ID:Heaven

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 100

>I wonder why they shave their pussy despite the fact that they don't do their arms/legs.
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