alone unloved unmoured (22)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-16 04:23 ID:wkvzpt1e

Good 'ol SO RONERY threads, I feel right at home.
28 years old, never had a girlfriend, plenty of female friends who I never pursued because they already had boyfriends/husbands. I'm pretty sure I'm in the Die Alone Club. One thing that irks me is that regardless of all the other advice people give, when people say 'go out if you want to meet people', I ask "Go out where?", and there is inevitable silence.
Also: Most girls seem to not be interested in guys such as myself who won't put out until marriage and have never had a girlfriend. Go figure. They say they want a guy who sticks to his beliefs...apparently there's exceptions they forget to mention.

Anyway..back to homework and some more BMD.

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