help... please? (29)

1 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 01:21 ID:RtVHYCtS

Well... I'm a freshmen at a high school. Most of the freshmen girls (about 40-50% of them) go out with upperclassmen, making it hard on the freshmen guys to get girlfriends. And part of the girls that don't go out with upperclassmen go out with guys in other classes. Our school is kinda big so then we have multiple teachers for core classes (math, history, science, language arts) and we are put together differently. Like I'm with a group of people everyday for the core classes and electives are different. But the girls usually only date guys in other core groups.

So to get to the real deal here, I like a girl that usually doesn't go out with guys (I think for the most part) and I thinks she might kinda like me. But at the same time most of the things I say to her she kinda gives me this face like if I'm weird or something. The thing that I know for sure is that right now I'm not labeled as a friend to her because she knows like very,very,very little about me. How can I try to get her to notice me, like me, consider me?

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