This boy is completley indesipherable! HELP! (25)

1 Name: Lamune-chan : 2008-01-25 10:32 ID:1uFAGbg8

I'm a freshman in high school (At least I think I am , it works difrent in the french system :p). The thing is I have a crush on this guy... Lets say his name is "Mit".
When we first met he and I were really talkative. We share a few interests (Most prominent would be Anime XD)in common. I actually thought he LIKED me at the begining but gradually as a few weeks passed either Mit or I stopped being so talkative.
Now I cant seem to figure out if he likes me or not?!
Here are a few things that could suggest he doesn't like me anymore (at least I think):
-The not-so-talkativeness
-The fact that he openly talks about liking ecchi, or rather suggestive types of anime.

Then again there are a few things that MIGHT suggest he does contradictory to what I just stated!
Could he NOT be so talkative anymore because he's nervous around me, I.E he likes me ?! (I Know I am and I get super tongue tied D<)
Or does he want to avoid me?

According to my friends I speak normally to him but blush after he's gone. Help me ! What do you think ?!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 11:06 ID:7+H3260f

I think both might be possible. You'll need to dig deeper to find some more clues. With so few clues, you won't go far and all you're going to do is overinterprete.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 12:00 ID:rwJRipB+

>>2 Agreed

Actually I think it's pointless to speculate on the reasons for which you have been talking less to each other (many possible reasons, and this could easily change). What is important is that you are interested in him, and you have no reason to think that he might not reciprocate, now or in the future.

This leaves you with only one option: arrange ways of spending more time with him, to get to know him better, and to let him know you better. An obvious way is to do stuff related with your common interest in anime, but don't be afraid to look for other ways of spending time together (depending on his and your interests).

If you both spend some time together, it should become clear after a while whether there is a good chance of you getting along,...

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 12:23 ID:7+H3260f


>don't be afraid to look for other ways of spending time together

I'll put some more emphasis on that. Seriously. Find his other passions and hobbies, and find a way to show him yours.

You can't build on only one thing.

5 Name: Lamune-chan : 2008-01-25 13:44 ID:sX13VLAo

Well I do know a rather good deal about him. And to be honest i'm equally afraid he may think I'm immature. Apparently he goes out to night clubs quite often. I've only been to a few (and by a few I mean 1 night club and what .. 4 House parties *in my life. I Don't like going out as much how would that work out between us ? you know.. if we WERE to get together ?

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 13:49 ID:7+H3260f

Well if you want to be less immature, you'd have to take the mature approach.

That is: compromise. That's how couples that work... work.

That means, maybe he'd have to go out a bit less, to spend more time with you, and maybe you'd have to make the effort to go out more often with him, because it's important for him.

7 Name: Lamune-chan : 2008-01-25 14:04 ID:1uFAGbg8

The thing is we ARE 14/15 years old , and to be honest. The time I went to night club was WITH supervision. Thats mostly the reason as well.
He likes alcohool- I do (But on special occasions)
He likes to smoke (occasionally)- I dont (and he knows the reason why)
These are the things that bother me the most I would say. I've kind of looked passed that already.
And another thing as opposed to other guys it's heart wrenchingly hard for me to talk to him and when I do I feel akward and I hope not to say anything dumb TT_TT

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 14:32 ID:7+H3260f


>The thing is we ARE 14/15 years old , and to be honest. The time I went to night club was WITH supervision. Thats mostly the reason as well.

Oh, yeah. So you're not even in the french equivalent for highschool, I guess... What level exactly are you, in french terms?
You're quite young to go clubbing anyway. Can't get all the fun at your age.

>He likes alcohool- I do (But on special occasions)

Again, you might be a bit young, but whatever. Don't push yourself if you don't need to. You can have fun without, just don't be close-minded.

He likes to smoke (occasionally)- I dont (and he knows the reason why)

>If he is mature he'll respect that. Again, respect his choices.
>And another thing as opposed to other guys it's heart wrenchingly hard for me to talk to him and when I do I feel akward and I hope not to say anything dumb TT_TT

That's normal if you like him a lot. You might say something dumb once or twice, but what the hell. It's not the end of the world.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 14:32 ID:7+H3260f


>The thing is we ARE 14/15 years old , and to be honest. The time I went to night club was WITH supervision. Thats mostly the reason as well.

Oh, yeah. So you're not even in the french equivalent for highschool, I guess... What level exactly are you, in french terms?
You're quite young to go clubbing anyway. Can't get all the fun at your age.

>He likes alcohool- I do (But on special occasions)

Again, you might be a bit young, but whatever. Don't push yourself if you don't need to. You can have fun without, just don't be close-minded.

>He likes to smoke (occasionally)- I dont (and he knows the reason why)

If he is mature he'll respect that. Again, respect his choices.

>And another thing as opposed to other guys it's heart wrenchingly hard for me to talk to him and when I do I feel akward and I hope not to say anything dumb TT_TT

That's normal if you like him a lot. You might say something dumb once or twice, but what the hell. It's not the end of the world.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 14:37 ID:Heaven

Disregard this one. damn.

11 Name: Lamune-chan : 2008-01-25 15:04 ID:sX13VLAo

Really now ? I am in 3e. But I thought that was 1st year high school in the American system .. Wahaha Sorry XD.
What about .. Well confession, somehow I'm very much compelled to say it but I'm worried about the turnout. Not necesarilly if he refects me but more along the lines of "What if he tells his friends in the event that he says no".
And also , many girls have told me that it's weird for a girl to confess. If thats true , I cant handle the suspense of not knowing O_O !

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 15:34 ID:7+H3260f

That's not true, especially in France.
If he rejects you and tells his friends, well, you might get joked at a bit (and it'll probably hurt). You can still ask him not to do so, even if eventually it'll get known.

But my advice: do it. You'll regret it if you don't. And anyway, at your age, everyone jokes at everyone for one reason or another, so make yours an useful one.

13 Post deleted.

14 Name: Lamune-chan : 2008-01-25 15:51 ID:1uFAGbg8

^ M'kay whoever that was it wasn't me =_= Just some jerk.
And thanks so much for the advice ,i'll hit the hay now it's late where I live XD

15 Post deleted.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 19:52 ID:JrBBOq7h

If you choose to confess, play it down a bit. What I mean by this is to not say something like "I love you" etc, but instead try to drop pretty obvious hints that you like him and would like him to say it back and hopefully get his act together and ask you out if he feels the same way.

As for worrying about his friends - if hes a nice guy, which he sounds, he wouldn't tell them. Or if he did tell them, it wouldn't be to make fun of you. In the worst case scenario, you may get teased a bit, but you can rise above it. If he teases you for it, then he's just an immature kid and not worth your time.

17 Post deleted.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-25 23:59 ID:mFmG5kea


Yes, in America you ould be a high school freshman, or possibly 8th grade if you're 14. Anyway, in my honest opinion, offer him a blowjob. The best way to a man's heart is in his pants. If he refuses you, then you must be a beast from hell and might as well give up.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-26 13:00 ID:Heaven

8th grade is the first year of high school in many parts of the world. Hell, even within the country I'm in, some states start at 7 but others start at 8. For this reason I wish people would just settle on saying the grade number instead of making stabs at the year within a subdivision. This applies much more strongly to fansub groups than people on Internet forums though, since their userbase is much larger.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-26 14:08 ID:Heaven

Some countries don't even have "grade numbers", just years and schools. France is in this case, that's why we're screwed everytime someone with a different numbering system asks us. Also, primary school is divided in sub-classes (CP (one year), CE (two years), CM (two years)), then "collège" (that'd be middle school) is counted backwards from 6th to 3rd (in which OP is), then "lycée" (high school) is 2nd, then 1st, then Terminal. Then we graduate and go into whatever uni or school. Usual graduation age is 18.

I know, this numbering system is totally stupid.

And yes, when you're in CP you're something like 6 years old. I know. But for your information, this means "Cours Préparatoire". Not anything else.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-27 10:17 ID:rwJRipB+


I think confession is a bad idea, unless you are certain of the (positive) outcome,...

Think about it: either it's obvious that your feelings are shared, and then you don't even need to feel worried, or then they are not shared (the worse), or he's still undecided. In both of the last possibilities, things will go bad, because he'll feel pressured to give you an answer, which cannot be positive.

So just stick to inviting him to do things that couples do (go to the movies, park, etc). If he accepts to do that, and you get to know each other better, it will become obvious to both of you that it's appropriate to confess.

To confess as a gamble is often a bad idea.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-28 00:45 ID:Heaven

In New York state, it's 9TH grade.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-28 12:44 ID:Heaven

Wow, 9th. That's truly unusual.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-28 22:22 ID:6tUqvVqR


9th here in Maryland too.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-02 22:45 ID:Heaven

and here in nevada

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