love? help out, plz. (17)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-03 23:49 ID:7YMuE+gY

today. M came over.
first offs, we went and got food, walked alot,
then came back, watched a strenuous movie. ick.
but then,
we went to my room, talked boatloads,
then lied down and snuggled.
do you guys feel me melt?
this was . . .
alot more then last time.
basically, we were as close to each other as possible.
his arms were completely wrapped around me,
my hand was in his hair, and the other one on his back.
for a little bit,
our noses were touching.

he would keep pulling me closer, had his hand on my hipbone(bare skin!)
sometimes just flat on my stomach.
once in a while, his hand would come up to stroke my hair.
my leg was between his, his leg between mine.
and then his nose would skim my face,
i felt him softly push his hips against mine.

all of this while we were just talking.
eskimo kisses,
they make my pulse thunder up and down a crooked alleyway.

so guys.
how about this one?
what. does. it. all. mean.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 00:35 ID:Heaven

I don't really get what you're expecting from us.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 03:35 ID:Heaven

We don't give a shit, e.e. cummings.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 04:31 ID:CaoACizB

Seems you had a good time,...


5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 04:46 ID:Heaven

>>3 I LOL'd.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 08:13 ID:maMAe3MY


  M   c a 

me ov er
f i r . s .t of fs,
we w e n t

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 08:50 ID:vmJxXCif


I think,
It means he...
Likes you?
Or perhaps,
perhaps maybe...
He just
Just wants to,
You know?
I don't know,
I get this feeling,
I suspect something here
I could be wrong but,
I could also be right and,
if I am....
So M came over!?
Know what I think?
He just wants to come...

All over you

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 16:55 ID:Heaven

is going
to try and
eat your brains with
an ice cream scoop
watch out and
dont drink the

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 06:29 ID:7YMuE+gY

thanks guys.
i never finished the post.
here it is, in its entirety. go ahead and insult, if you feel the need.
it amuses me.

first offs, we went and got food, walked alot,
then came back, watched a strenuous movie. ick.
but then,
we went to my room, talked boatloads,
then lied down and snuggled.
do you guys feel me melt?
this was . . .
alot more then last time.
basically, we were as close to each other as possible.
his arms were completely wrapped around me,
my hand was in his hair, and the other one on his back.
for a little bit,
our noses were touching.

he would keep pulling me closer, had his hand on my hipbone(bare skin!)
sometimes just flat on my stomach.
once in a while, his hand would come up to stroke my hair.
my leg was between his, his leg between mine.
and then his nose would skim my face,
i felt him softly push his hips against mine.

all of this while we were just talking.
eskimo kisses,
they make my pulse thunder up and down a crooked alleyway.

so guys.
how about this one?
what. does. it. all. mean.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 06:30 ID:7YMuE+gY

thanks guys.
i never finished the post.
here it is, in its entirety. go ahead and insult, if you feel the need.
it amuses me.

first offs, we went and got food, walked alot,
then came back, watched a strenuous movie. ick.
but then,
we went to my room, talked boatloads,
then lied down and snuggled.
do you guys feel me melt?
this was . . .
alot more then last time.
basically, we were as close to each other as possible.
his arms were completely wrapped around me,
my hand was in his hair, and the other one on his back.
for a little bit,
our noses were touching.

he would keep pulling me closer, had his hand on my hipbone(bare skin!)
sometimes just flat on my stomach.
once in a while, his hand would come up to stroke my hair.
my leg was between his, his leg between mine.
and then his nose would skim my face,
i felt him softly push his hips against mine.

all of this while we were just talking.
eskimo kisses,
they make my pulse thunder up and down a crooked alleyway.

so guys.
how about this one?
what. does. it. all. mean.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 06:35 ID:k0FyQJx8

Don't listen to them. They have nothing but hate and dead kittens in their hearts.

I think you have a very cute thing going on there.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 11:12 ID:OxdNPwRx

Why do you need to ask what it all means? That's why people are getting annoyed here

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 13:23 ID:vmJxXCif


What? This is the exact same stuff you already wrote in the first post?
And also isn't it rather obvious what is going on? I think the redundancy of your question is what is luring us to make fun of you.
Also in part how you're making your post like a poem or some shit. As cute as it may be, it will obviously tickle our immaturity.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 15:45 ID:R81Ng2dk

I really hope it wasn't meant to be a poem because it really sucks as one.

However,like everyone else has said, it's pretty obvious he's interested.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 16:22 ID:XSfaTlYM

either OP is 12 years old or this is a shit thread

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 16:27 ID:Heaven

Please note that both options aren't incompatible.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 22:05 ID:maMAe3MY

who. told. you.

also OP
you, should

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