I like a girl thats not my kind of person.... (64)

1 Name: da PG king : 2008-02-10 22:25 ID:2MXzXUKp

Like, I feel strongly for her.

She blows me away.

But Im a street thug (crippin) and shes a nice girl. I breakdance and fight, she plays softball. The only thing we have in common is the fact that we are both intelligent. I have her in the Leadership Center, which is an accelerated program for my school. I have her for 3 classes, she sits next to me in 2, I have her on my bus (when shes not practicing for softball) and she eats lunch when I do. Im not entirely sure how to handle things. I have a reputation to uphold (ie. if Im acting romantic, then I will probably get excommunicated by my friends.) and I cant all of a sudden spend time with her. I did buy her a valentines gift though, but I dont know if I can just give it to her.

What should I do? comments would be amazing.

Thanks in advance.

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