There is this girl, lets say her name is Maria.
Well from the first day i saw her,i felt attracted.
time passed and we would only do the occasional eye contact and such .. you know, the childish stuff...
Recently, my friend told me she likes me, and prior to that Maria would come up to me say " HI ! " and i would respond trying to start a conversation.. she would just walk away.
I told my friends about this and they all seem to agree that she likes me but she is just shy.
well a week passed and i kept getting more signs that she likes me. Valentines day came around and i stupidly didn't get her anything and i didn't talk to her at all.
Friday night im at home and i get on facebook. She accepted my friend request that i send a good 4 days before. I saw a chance and tried to start a conversation. I said i meant to talk to her earlier on. she asked what about. then i said i wanted to know if she was gonna go to this show because i was only gonna go if some friends went but since i didn't talk to her earlier i decided to stay home. Well, after that a good hour passed .. no reply ... hour and half .. .no reply .. 2 hours .. no reply.
I look at her pictures and i notice this guy is in every single picture and i also notice most are taken down the street. I guess i got jealous... So what do i do ? I got a budweiser and drank it up. I was hungry so it tasted like water... drank the bottle in a good 2 minutes .. got another , and so on.
I went down the street and i stood infront of the guys house and i started talking about Maria... i was talking to my self but in a way i was talking to the guy. long story short, i talked about her alot.. yelling her name and such.
then today i woke up and something came across my mind ...
the pictures seemed recent .. maybe she will visit sometime soon ? so i literally spent all my day walking around the apartment complex, listening to music, tagging and checking up on the tennis court, where the pictures had been taken. i basicly waited all day for her.
Im going crazy of her... I mean, i was jealous last night !
God knows when the last time i was jealous was ...
Maria never seems to go with the conversations i try and start with her. i talk to her but she never really goes with them.
I have her for 2 classes, first one she sits with her friends and she sits right beside me during the second class.
I need help people !
How can i get her to talk ?
how can i stop feeling so damn jealous ?
i really need help :\...
Write her a mail and start confessing and ask if she's available? that would solve the whole mystery of whether she likes you or not and if she's got a guy right?
the barrier is if you've got courage to do that.
man you are so fucked dont even bother anymore. She doesn't even like you. FRIEND ZONE ITT
Just tell her you like her. You seem wierd btw. But whatever. Just tell her and have it over with.
You fucked it up by getting drunk and going to that guys house. She might've liked you before, but now you'll look like a pathetic jealous clinger-on which is not an attractive quality.
Yeah .. i know how i would seem weird...
but trust me..
im not like that really.
It was a one time thing, the whole drunk thing.
Meh, i'll just go for it.
whats the worse that can happen right ?
the "no" ?
mmm... Looking back now, i don't know what i was thinking i got drunk... that was very stupid.
Anyway, Thanks.