Do girls like eyepatches? (25)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-27 02:03 ID:rwZ7s4be

I think plenty of girls would dig it. Totally agree with most things said in this thread...

BUT One thing I've noticed with a few people who have something like this, y'know lost finger/eye/massive scar, is that they let this one thing become more important than it really is.

You don't need to mention the missing eye everywhere you go, or tell the story of how you lost it to everyone you meet. Don't be down about it either. Be casual and open about it if people ask, thats all that's really necessary.

Just continue to be the you, you already are. Thats what girls are REALLY interested in. This is coming from a girl if that qualifies this response at all.

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