I have a really cute cousin who drops by my apartment all the time to bring me food or tidy up the place or even just to hang out with me. She comes over at least 3 days a week and sometimes she even sleeps over. She's probably the nicest and sweetest girl I know and it's really making me fall for her. I just want to hold her in my arms and make love to her, but the only thing that's stopping me is that fact that she's my cousin.
I really don't know what to do about all this. It's really killing me. Whenever she calls to tell me that she's coming over I feel so giddy and I get butterflies in my stomach. I want to stop thinking about her in that way since I know that things would never happen between us. I've hooked up with some other chicks and even tried going out with one girl just to get my mind off my cousin, but when it comes down to it, no girl can really compare to her. She's everything I want in a girl.
What should I do? Is there a safe way to let her known how I feel about her? I definately don't want to ruin what we have now so I kind of want to avoid that. Please help me!
No safe way, but if you want to kill your retarded emotions you should definately just tell her. I dare you to do it, do it for the lulz and give us a full briefing.
Tell her how you feel then maybe she can respond it to you in a good matter (if she is a good person that is). Tell her why you have crush on her and such.
Who knows it could just be a family love (not serious love).
But also tell her that you are not too serious or else she might be too surprised.
Hope it helps.
Or, wear a condom. We already have enough retard children.
>>4 like youself.
Also cousins aren't directly incest.
>>6... but you still going to have retard babies.
(i know you are but what am I?)
I've had attraction to a first and second cousin of mine before. I didn't act on anything and it passed after a year or two. I also had a cousin who had a crush on me. That also passed in time. IN other words, this may not be a permanent thing.
You need to consider what you mean when you say she's "the perfect girl". How well do you really know her? Are you sure it isn't jstu infatuation driving you? Other issues: consider them.
I suggest reporting your thoughts/feelings about her here so that we can help you by being a bit more rational (perhaps).
Finally, if it looks dead determined that you sincerely like/have a crush on/whatever her, then it's ok to tell her casually and say "I really am attracted to you. I know that's odd in society, but I wanted to say that." Say no more, and don't push it. If it turns out she ends up feeling the same, it's possible she'll bring that up with you. If she doesn't, it's not something that the two of you would likely be comfortable with in the future.
>>7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMqR8-rn_yQ&watch_response
Yeah, but with a "normal" relationship people don't do such deep introspection. Most people just go on their feelings. I think the OP should have the same liberty. Maybe people should do more evaluation before going into a relationship, but if the OP wouldn't do it normally, nothing should change the game because it's his cousin.
9% chance of mental handicap with cousin couples, as opposed to 3% for normal couples. Not a huge increase. And since you're already pretty unintelligent yourself, you have nothing to brag about.
said an irritating buzz that sounded like a fly... Damn, wheres my raid nigga?
man i cant believe you guys are actually encouraging this crap.
I believe it would be more damaging to suppress feelings than engage in an incestuous relationship.
(Assuming both people are into it)
>>11 Your definition of "normal" seems to mean your perception of the average person (More likely than that, average teenager) entering a relationship (Dating). This is disastrous in large. However, I do believe that there is benefit in direct approach when attraction is felt (Which is a separate kind of mindest, one not so bound up in the immediacy of pleasure, and that incorporates the other individual as a person.)
To be less technical, I think that people, in general, should be more thoughtful when entering relationships. However, especially in this person's case, it's clear that serious critical correction of current thought process is needed, because it sounds like he's worshiping her like some goddess.
(Despite what some may tell you, you should Never treat another human being as if they were Any form of diety.)
Finally, the situation deserves consideration because of the long-term effects that it will have on them both because of how society would react. This doesn't just go for if they had a relationship, but for even having him bring up the subject of his attraction. Regardless of whether or not society should feel/think/act as it does, ti Does act that way, and he should consider what results his actions will have on her (and himself). (Because of the potential repercussions, I've suggested the way of approaching her above, if he's going to decide to approach at all.)
>>12 STFU and GTFO already, you fucking uneducated douchebag. It's clear to all of us here that you are satisfied with not thinking things through, with a mediocre education, and with feeling that satisfaction/success is not getting tortured for life. Great, you don't belong here, and no one respectable would even want to engage in speaking with you beyond for the purpose of insulting you or having a laugh at your expense. Please die or grow the fuck up.
>>14 Damaging to suppress feelings? You sound like Freud. Restraint is quite often a good thing, though not to the extreme of some sort of tyrannical authoritarianism. Read up on Chinese philosophy to better understand what I'm saying. (Because I don't mean to say that one should have balance in the way the Greeks referred to the mean.)
>>>12 STFU and GTFO already, ...
welcome to the internet, yhbt
>>16 Taking the shit out on someone doesn't mean I've been trolled.
>>15- It is my greatest regret to inform you that you take shit to serious on the internet:http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p180/metallica2k1/internet_serious_business.jpg
lol just move to Tasmainia
If they can live with the social condemnation, I don't see that as a reason to forbid this. Once again, assuming they're both into it and mature enough.
> Damaging to suppress feelings? You sound like Freud.
I speak from personal experience. Not cousin-kissin' experience or mother-lustin' experience. I'd rather take the ridicule or ostracism than feel ashamed and try to fight it.
I wouldn't be interested in any of my cousins myself, and I wouldn't endorse Siggy.
Hey guys, look, I found a picture of da PG king on his photobucket: http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p180/metallica2k1/1195614142176.jpg
I didn't know he was into ICP!
Ummm... Thats not me, cause I dont put my fucking picture on the internet. Im not that stupid!
>>22 Lol I Lie
Ths man speaks tha fucknig truth yall
>>23 that shit did make me laugh though...
I kind of feel sorry for those two.
>>23 that shit did make me laugh though...
I kind of feel sorry for those two.
>>23 that shit did make me laugh though...
I kind of feel sorry for those two.
>>23 that shit did make me laugh though...
I kind of feel sorry for those two.
what the fuck did my computer just do?
She sounds like a good girl, now take her down from that pedestal nice and slow.
First cousins aren't that bad, I mean Albert Einstein married his first cousin and use to be normal to keep it in the family a few centuries ago.
Wait, that was before DNA testing.
Albert Einstein also drank his own urine. gulp
Hey, drinking your urine has many medicinal properties
U-huh. But if the change is 0.01% to begin with, that makes it a whopping 0.0106%. Without an initial factor of risk, there's no point in quoting figures.
Uh no, if the starting risk is 0.01% adding on 6 percent would make 6.01%. Did you take math? If you added on 0.0006%, that would make it 0.0106%, but I didn't say that. Either way, if it wasn't painfully obvious, I wasn't making fun of the op, I was making fun of the stupid people saying things like "retarded babies lololol". Also, the starting figure is 3% on average. Adding 6% gives you 9%, the risk for consanguineous couples. Now, kindly learn to point out obvious use of sarcasm and go back to 3rd grade math.
>>40 fails at percentages.
If you add 6% to 100 you get 106.
If you add 6% to 1 you get 1.06
If you add 6% to 1% you get 1.06%
If you add 6% to 0.01% you get 0.0106%
% is really just shorthand for 1/100.
Adding N% is really the same as multiplying by (1+N/100).
>>42 A previous poster had pulled a random number out of their arse without quoting either figure so there was nothing to read.
So anyway, that makes it a 100% higher chance.
Still if 3% of normal births are defects then the definition of a defect must be pretty lax. For a given group of 100 people I rarely ever see a single one.
Which means that 0.01% means 0.01/100 by your logic, and thus 6/100 + 0.01/100 is 6.01/100. The poster used percents wrong. If he meant 1/100, he should have said 1%. 0.01% is not 1/100. It is one hundredth of a percent.