Attractiveness and Turn-Offs (16)

1 Name: SpireAtlanta!SGRPrwhmGE!!DwFbhmLv : 2008-03-01 19:28 ID:7izlF6tV

So I've been pondering about making this topic for awhile, and after seeing some of the responses in the First Time thread and the success of the /pers/ Self Improvement thread ( ), I thought that there was sufficient justification.

This thread will be about what we feel makes us socially unacceptable and unattractive in a variety of situations, as well as what we think makes us acceptable/attractive. By looking at our positives and negatives and getting criticism/comments/suggestions from others, we can all hopefully feel better about ourselves and improve our social and mental health.

I, for example, have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which renders my hands leathery and dry in the colder seasons, and causes the skin on the inside of my hands to peel. To some this in incredibly disgusting, and to others this is simply undesirable. I don't know that anyone thinks of it as a non-issue, aside of myself when I view it that way.

Furthermore, my nose isn't straight. It is slightly tilted to one side (ie, it's diagonal), and I can't recall why. Ever since I noticed it (Thanks, webcam), I've felt extremely awkward about my appearance.

I also am unfortunate enough to have light shades of red from past acne on certain areas of my upper back.shoulders and parts of my face. Acne has been a constant bother for me, though it's never been extreme.

Finally, my teeth are a bother unto themselves. Not only did having extra wisdom teeth and larger upper frontals push them into an odd overbite, but when I smile I can only ever show my upper teeth, which while not horribly out of alignment, aren't exactly perfect in their setting or color.

Putting this together makes me feel pretty uncomfortable without even mentioning my lack of communicative development (ie, I don't know how to begin a conversation, through I can usually carry them on if I don't begin offending someone or there aren't great differences in ideals between us.).

2 Name: SpireAtlanta!SGRPrwhmGE!!DwFbhmLv : 2008-03-01 19:39 ID:7izlF6tV

On the positive side, I've been told that I have incredible eyes (Though my eyesight is poor. I'll certainly need contacts or glasses in the not so distant future), that my lips are great (the lower one is slightly plump, possibly due to the overbite), that I have an incredible intelligence and ability to gather the meaning of what others are saying, and that when I let loose I can be really fun to hang out with.

Notice, however, that only a few of these things are physical.

In fact, I've been reminded of two more flaws to my physical features, which should have been of the first to mind.

I am incredibly skinny. Not slim. Skinny. I'm probably 6' tall and weigh 148 lbs (That's about 67 kilograms). I have basically no muscle features (Though abs seem to be decently easy for me to work on.). Yes, I could, and perhaps will, go to the gym, but please do recall my OCD, which includes a strong aversion to getting sweaty/dirty.

Furthermore, my hair grows in about 90 directions. When cut short, I look ridiculous. When cut medium-short, I am greatly restricted by a huge cowlick in the back and thus end up with an awkward look when it doesn't decide to behave on its own. (I could use gel, but that also triggers OCD aversion.) If I leave it long, it often looks pretty good, but I then run into another problem of mine: dead skin/dandruff. While I don't get the itchy feeling so much, it is an issue that flakes come out, and my long, thick hair traps them. I can wash my hair all day when it is long, with dandruff shampoo, and have continuing issues for the rest of the day. (Even if significantly reduced).

I should try a new dandruff shampoo. I'll need to be sure it's safe with my dry/chapped/cracked (when it gets really bad) hands.

So, what do you think? How huge of turn-offs are these, and how attractive do my positives seem?

Feel free to include your own descriptions. That's the point of this thread.

3 Name: da PG king : 2008-03-01 21:54 ID:oFBuEBkw

I have a big dick.

4 Name: SpireAtlanta!SGRPrwhmGE!!DwFbhmLv : 2008-03-01 23:27 ID:Heaven

>>3 Simply because it's all you think with doesn't mean that it's large. Also, read a book.

5 Name: da PG king : 2008-03-02 02:56 ID:oFBuEBkw

I can read, my most recent book/play is Julius Caesar. Bite ME!

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Ya get the picture?

6 Name: da PG king : 2008-03-02 02:56 ID:oFBuEBkw

damn, that didnt come out right...

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-02 03:08 ID:B5KKAFOX

I'm actually very handsome, the outside is perfectly's what's in the inside.

>>6 lol

8 Name: da PG king : 2008-03-02 03:13 ID:oFBuEBkw

It was supposed to be a picture of a person eating me...

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-03 00:16 ID:hEQcFzsn

Being told you have an incredible intelligence means nothing, because whoever uses such distasteful combinations of words like that is most likely average. (If you couldn't tell, my arrogance)

10 Name: da PG king : 2008-03-03 00:20 ID:oFBuEBkw

I got way smarts. I just use it to make myself fortunate, no matter how much chaos it brings.

11 Name: SpireAtlanta!SGRPrwhmGE!!DwFbhmLv : 2008-03-03 01:56 ID:7izlF6tV

>>10 Is a retard who thinks the world revolves around him.

>>9 Agreed, but I take as something actually meaningful because I do have talent with retention and interpretation.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-03 02:16 ID:hEQcFzsn


Wouldn't doubt it either.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 10:07 ID:96ITIn2i

If OCD is causing you to worry about things like your hands and gelling your hair, why don't you get help to overcome it? Same for if you don't like being sweaty - if you dfon't want to be skinny you need to do weight training and eat lots. As for things like your nose not being straight, that really doesn't matter. Same for traces of acne.

The biggest turn off is that you've come out with all these flaws, while nobody else seems to have ever said to you "eww your nose isnt straight" etc.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 16:58 ID:7izlF6tV

>>13 The last part was especially helpful. Thanks for that. As for the OCD thing, OCD isn't something that one simply eliminates. I've been able to reduce my obsessive and anxiety levels significantly, but they're likely to never disappear. One can only hope that they will. If I find the time to see a psychologist, I'll see what can be done with CBT. I don't think medication is necessary, and therefore it would likely be detrimental.

As for the sweaty thing and weight training and eating a lot, I may start slowly getting into this. It needs to be understood that I have a crammed schedule at the moment, and my OCD usually leads to showers that last 30-40 minutes. However, the potential benefit to my self-image and resulting reduced anxiety need to be considered.

If the nose and acne thing aren't that big of a deal, then that's a relief.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 18:50 ID:Heaven

>>13 Guy or girl?

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 20:51 ID:Heaven



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