Alright, so the year before I had a crush on this girl. However, I tried suppressing it, tried to keep it in check, then at the same time befriending her.
So this year, I feel "Hey, I don't really like her anymore" and also proceeded to tell her so. But today, my classmate just told me he was going to chase that girl and it's like all my old feelings came rushing back.
Should I support him, or should I try to block him? Do you think I can have a chance, even if though I have said that "I don't really like her anymore"?
Looks like your feelings are shaky,... I suspect that the moment your classmate is not interested in her anymore, so will yours wane. If so, just let them be.
Let it go, jealousy isn't healthy.
Ok, thanks!
I don't like the sound of that sentence, but it's so true...
"Bros before Hoes"
>>5 "Hos"
I thought >>5 was making a statement about how it's always more fun to go to the pub with your friends than to do the gardening when the bitch is nagging you.
When I read the thread title I thought it was going to be about the OP's boyfriend's small penis. I was disappointed.