Where do I go to meet women? (6)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-30 16:26 ID:0/S6smpL

I got my ass through college without really paying attention to the opposite sex, and now I need to make up for lost time. I'm just looking for something casual right now, especially since my first relationship will probably just be a dress rehearsal. Help?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-30 16:43 ID:mxg2PDMM

you got all the way through college, and still 0 xp with females? One of the best opportunities has passed by. An official n00b@life, you have now resorted to asking for help from a place with a high population of socialy incompetent nerds.
Understanding that your first relationship will probably be a dismal failure is a good start. You must gather a significantly more experience before hoping for sucess in a real relationship.
Begin by gaining as much xp as possible. It doesn't matter where or how you get this experience, really. Flirting with women randomly encountered in your day to day life or internet, pathetic dating sites, bars, anywhere. It all counts for something, and as you gain experience, new opportunities inevitably open up, to some extent.
Most couples don't meet in any special place they've gone to in search of a partner. People encounter members of the opposite sex through work, education, hobbies, mutual friends and aquantances, social gatherings, etc.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-30 17:46 ID:+/UA+ixn


So, what I'm reading is, "if you haven't dated in college, abandon all hope."

That'll certainly give me something to mull over during Commencement.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-30 19:21 ID:BbYSBeRw

>>2 is a moron.
Hard for you, got any friends? First thing you need to do is to find out some people, hang around with them and go out with them.
That way you'll meet their friends and women too.
Look, it ain't easy. After a certain age it's harder to meet with women.
Oh, and realize that asking such questions is meaningless, whatever the replies might be, if you don't actually go out and do something.

5 Name: 3 : 2008-03-30 21:45 ID:+/UA+ixn

For the record, I'm not the OP.


>>Hard for you, got any friends?


I find friendships to be somewhat more trouble than they're worth -- my hobbies are all solitary and I don't tend to play well with others. I don't enjoy hanging out or partying.

Though ultimately, I accept that it's going to get much harder to meet women. Frankly, I'm becoming increasingly less inclined to try. In the abstract, the thought of having a girlfriend is nice, but I'm well aware that it wouldn't work out in reality. I'm too much my own man, so to speak. Adapting my lifestyle to accomodate another would be a tremendous culture shock, and one that I'm disinclined to invite.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-30 23:16 ID:Heaven


> 0 xp
> n00b@life

Please everyone, do not feed the virginal basement trolls.

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