Single, not desperate, but hoping to find her (26)

12 Name: Cookie Monster : 2008-04-16 09:09 ID:BInLoLMy

while stories like the one of densha, I's, or video girl Ai have made me believe in "true love", i never wished for a personal version of those stories for myself.

i guess i can tell you my story of the girl who mattered the most to me thus far.

one of them was a girl with the same initials as mine so she had a locker right next to mine. i was infatuated with her best friend at the time i met her, so she and I became good friends little did i know that she liked me at that time.. now when I look back at it, it must have been tough for her at times, trying to encourage me to go after her friend... anyway, in our second year, i started to see her in a different way (well its not really hard to, since she looks and acts just like the sassy girl). she ended up rejecting me though when i finally asked her to be my girlfriend. we didn't speak for about half of a year? or so and one day she emailed me to talk about what happened and how she finally worked up the courage to say yes.. and well I'm getting sleepy so I'll wrap it up.. ok so she made me a better person, she made life much more enjoyable, and well we both took care of each other well and etc etc.

the point I'm trying to make here is that, she was the only girl that I felt I would actually want to be with forever. now I'm guessing that's the type of emotion that you're looking for with a girl. but um yea as you can see, I didn't meet her by saving her from a drunkard, she didn't come out of a video, she was not assigned to be my partner in planning out a school event (admittedly any of those would have made a lot cooler story -.-).

don't sit there wishing for those things to happen, look around you, these opportunities that you are waiting for are always around you, but you just cant identify them b/c 1) your concept of finding the one is too "mangaish" 2) opportunities are always covered in work. so next time you encounter a girl who attracts you, don't sit there and wait for a sign that indicates that she's the "one", go up to her and get to know her... after you put some time into it, you may just discover her to be the one.

ok well it's 4 AM and I'm stressed with work, so I don't know if this helped any.

well good luck and if you need more help, just keep on posting

hope i helped and eat more cookies... =]

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