20 and still single (23)

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-04 03:24 ID:oX7nBw+p


Exactly... I consider myself the same way but it tends to scare people away and you and end up scaring yourself as well. I'm 26 (guy) and dated last year for the first time in my life. I am not a cover-face but not unattractive either. Still I lost all these years for nothing. Back in HS there was this girl that made the hell out of my life, putting me down and making me hate myself because she thought I was "hideous". That went on for straight 3 years. All that time, I couldn't get that she actually had a crush on me (furiously scaring girls away from me whenever they approached me). She was practically my shadow. That left a scar on me. I lost confidence... Had few girls over the years that cared for me and have shown infatuation, but stupid me... I never responded in the right way. I let this bad memory torture me thinking that what she said was true (the hideous part). Yet, last summer this girl approached me and we started dating. Had a first kiss (yeah first kiss @ 25 -- pathetic) which actually went on for 20 minutes :) She said she actually found me very attractive and interesting and helped me realize how much I lost by letting one mentally unstable and insecure girl draw an image of me FOR ME. I admit I am still insecure and that mainly comes from the fact that I am fat. But instead of whining I am actually doing something... Lost 30 lbs in 2 months. 80 lbs more to go, but I'll make it until New Year.
I'd say to younger people to keep trying. So what if somebody turns you down? So what if a person says you're ugly? Remember they're all individual opinions and you can't go on and screw up your life assuming that every next person you meet will have the same opinion on you. We are all insecure no matter how attractive we are... And guys if you wait for girls to make the first move you better sit down and relax... cause you're in for a long wait... and when and if they come, you'll likely ignore them making up excuses.

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