I just have to tell somebody! (27)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-02 14:30 ID:aYOpUhU8

I just confessed yesterday to a girl that I've been good friends with up till now.

It was on the subway platform, halfway to her home. We were talking all the way there - then continued a little bit when we got off the last train (she still had to take another one). And I confessed.

I had wanted to tell her the day before too, when only the two of us met up after she had a class trip to Kyoto. Ideally it was going to be only the two of us - but she ended up calling one of our other friends to join us. Apparently she had no idea how nervous I was.

So bad to yesterday - she was the one who wanted to talk/complain. She had a bad run in with a mutual friend and just wanted to let it out on somebody. Me.

So... basically, I chose the day that she was complaining about a friend that we both aren't too happy about to confess to her. Plus it was April 1st. I realized that halfway back on the train, hoping that she wouldn't think it was a prank or anything.

This evening, she said "yes"!!!!!
OH MY GOD I was soo relieved.
You might think that I'm such a chicken for being so nervous to confess.. But the last time I confessed to the girl, she started crying and ran off on me. and we never talked after that.

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