Do "breaks" exist? (5)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-04 18:55 ID:MnlvKbLV

Okay, I have a question...

Now, I myself have never been on one... but do you guys believe that couples can take "breaks"?

I've seen friends take "breaks", but most of them usually just are excuses to find new ass or they never get back together... which makes me skeptical.


2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-04 19:53 ID:TI6DqAI4

I think if a couple needs a 'break' they need to seriously re-evaluate whether they really belong together or not. The whole 'break' concept just sounds like a 'nice' way of saying "I'm tired of being with you and want to find somebody else but don't want to shatter your fragile self-esteem in the process."

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-04 20:42 ID:MnlvKbLV

You see, that's what I'M thinking... because I've only know ONE couple that has gotten back together after a "break", and the break lasted all of 3 weeks before they worked out their problems in a mature manner.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-04 21:36 ID:ESOddX63

if your significant other says "break" it basically means he/she wants to find a new fuck but doesn't want to hurt you by openly saying "i want to break up with you"

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-04 21:36 ID:oMLY88u5

My only ex-girlfriend told me that we should take a break, and two days later she was back together with her previous boyfriend. I think >>2 hit the nail on the head.
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