Now, a few nights ago, I had a dream where I caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl, but she only spoke with me briefly and I suddenly felt a longing when she left me.
Now last night I had a dream that was super realistic. Much more so than normal. When I woke up it took me a while to accept that it was just a dream. In this dream, I came across the same girl again. I was ecstatic to have found her, for I had thought her eternally lost in the dream world. "You're the girl from my dreams," I said happily. She smiled and said something affirmative.
Long story short, we fell deeply in love and agreed to start dating despite both of us having another boyfriend and girlfriend. I felt somewhat guilty, but I told myself that as long as I broke up with my current girlfriend it would be okay.
After I woke up, a lot of the same feelings remained, and I still felt guilty. But of course the dream girl doesn't really exist, and my girlfriend does. Should I worry that my dream means that I'm unhappy with my girlfriend and searching for another girl? Or is it just a harmless thing?
Or is it just a harmless thing?
I have dreams like this all the time, it's not a big deal.
dude it's just a dream, get on with real life
I wouldn't be too worried. Unless you're a practitioner of Freudian psychology, dream analysis doesn't hold much credibility, really.
Date the dream girl. If she's really that realistic, it could be any number of supernatural things at work. Maybe she's a spirit, maybe a real person who happens to be contacting you through dreams. It could also just be an alternate personality of yours manifesting, or any number of psychological factors at work. You should record all of the dreams you have about her right after you wake up. Look to see if her personality and facts about herself maintain a continunity, and if the dreams about her keep on reocurring. At the same time, there's no reason to break up with your real girlfriend. There's no chance the two would meet, so date them both unless things with the dream girl get so serious that she satisfies all of your needs. Truly though, I think the dream girl would be a worthwhile subject to pursue at the very least out of intellectual curiosity (for dreams are a very vaguely understood subject, one of fascination) and perhaps something more. Try to find out more about her.
In my life and I'm 26, I probably had at least 9 or 10 'dream girlfriends' who I couldn't forget for two days after having them in my dream. And (coincidence or not) they were ALL meeting specifications of what I was looking in a girl: cute, feminine, educated, dedicated, able to accept me the way I am, and loving me like nobody ever before.
What you're experiencing happens or happened to most of the guys. It's our brain letting us experience what we want so desperately in our lives. And I know that feel, you want to cry when you wake up, feeling that you lost your Cinderella who can make you happy.
Women fantasize, men dream. Thinking about it, men and women have substantially different needs and expectations. Contrary to the popular opinion, men are NOT exclusively interested in sex. Hence, you probably never went beyond a kiss with your dream-girl. In contrast, girls from wet dreams are forgotten in an instant.
And your dream being so realistic is somewhat similar to 'lucid dreaming'. Do you eat sour food like pickles for your dinner? :)
It would be too good to be true if she actually existed somewhere on the planet and contacted you in your dreams. Although everything is possible, it might be that your para-partner is having the same issues with her bf :)
Long story short, focus on reality and try to see what qualities does your dream-girl have. Never compare her directly to your girlfriend because your expectations will usually fall short but do find similiarities. It will help you forget. And believe me, after two days of not having her in your dreams you'll forget about it. Lol, that's why I can't even remember what my last dream-girl was all about, but I remember that I regretted waking up :)
Its nice you are having these dreams, take it however you want. Could be just a fantasy or it could be a vision or it just be a bunch of neurons just randomly firing in your head.
Just take it how you want to.