Muslim Dating issues (32)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 00:56 ID:nkeHBUB6

I know this very pretty, funny, romantic muslim woman from Egypt. She says that because of her customs and her belief. It is a little complicated so I will break it down for you.

  1. She says that she won't date because she just wants marriage. I'm only 19 and I don't want to marry her, but I do want to date her. She believes that her philosophy is crazy, but continues to follow it.
  2. According to somewhere in the Koran the children must be the same religion of their father and a white man can not marry a muslim woman. She also thinks that I am Christian. I follow the belief, do good and etc., but I don't follow the bullshit.

So, how do I get by all of this so I can have the beautiful Egyptian Goddess that she is? Isis willing. lol

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 00:59 ID:nkeHBUB6

Bump because this is important and relevant to my interests.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 01:08 ID:nkeHBUB6

what to do... what to do...

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 01:17 ID:Heaven

lol dude have you ever thought of the fact that she is saying those things because she does NOT want to date you?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 01:22 ID:GO3XuSmD

YOU CANT. Plus if she has a big brother and he finds out, you will get the shit kicked out of you. If not, there are always nephews,cousins and when they see you together=owned. She knows that PLUS she seems she is a REAL moslima and the white man bullsh#t is not true, there are ALOT of woman who marry white men,but yeah they have to be converted to islam otherwise no deal.

Do you know why i know this? Because i was in the same situation. I fell in love with an arabic girl and the situation was ridiculous..we couldn't be seen together so we snuck around which was TERRIBLE. That is NO WAY to have a relationship just give up, it's not worth it.(plus NO SEX, they WAIT..pffff)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 02:53 ID:ibTj0/Qy

ignore muslim women, not worth it

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 03:19 ID:0ndvfbpp

Not worth the time/effort. Find someone else.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 08:50 ID:UnAS7UHE

Ask her to date, but tell her you won't ask for relations. Just to hang out, go places and do things.

If you can handle that.

Why don't you want to marry her, btw? (Unless you just mean any time soon, which would be understandable.)

9 Name: Cookie Monster : 2008-04-16 09:13 ID:qH+R4YmQ


i can bet that she's saying those things to let you down easy.
(unless she's fresh off the plane from Egypt)
i'm not saying this to disrespect your viewpoint on this, but I had an experience with a muslim girl, she was freaking dedicated but she never said anything about having me converting to muslim.

so why not make it interesting for her and yourself, propose to her, hahaha, see what happens... that will be great...
if she was making this up then she's in trouble, if not... and you get married.. well... good luck?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 09:14 ID:54dymcko

This is a pretty fucked up situation for you. Given either truth or falsity on her behalf, you're going to find it impossible to fuck a girl like that. Give up, for the good of all white, atheist, and lusty men.

11 Name: Julio : 2008-04-16 16:10 ID:KDaWYSlc

If she´s a true muslin, she is forbidden to date with no-muslin boys. Muslin males can date with no-muslin females, but muslin females cant date no-muslin males.

12 Name: Julio : 2008-04-16 16:13 ID:KDaWYSlc

Plus... dates are arranged by parents... you don´t choose who you date. Dates = marriage in a short time.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 17:43 ID:dggn+zZh

Try to get her turned onto a real Middle Eastern religion, like Zoroastrianism or Coptic Christianity.

I can sympathize thoguh. I was a victim anti-White racism by my Mexican girlfriend's family. I thought I could save her from a life of being married to a consruction worker, slavish devotion to the Romanist church, and dragging eight kids around Walmart, but she eventually followed the wishes of her parents and dropped me.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 18:30 ID:OCvnEs69

>Try to get her turned onto a real Middle Eastern religion, like Zoroastrianism

Isn't conversion not officially allowed in Zoroastrianism?

Also, how come Zoroastrianism and Coptic Christianity (What about Eastern Orthodox Christianity?) are 'real' Middle Eastern religions but Islam is not?

To the OP
I'm afraid I have to agree you pretty much have no chance. It's really not worth trying because she isn't likely to give up her beliefs for you as you realise.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-16 19:34 ID:UnAS7UHE

>If she´s a true muslin, she is forbidden to date with no-muslin boys. Muslin males can date with no-muslin females, but muslin females cant date no-muslin males.

Maybe in the older times, due to how you interpret the pre-marital sex rule. Generally, pre-marital sex isn't allowed, and anything that could possible cause it.

This leads some people/places to try to keep females and males totally apart, since any interaction might lead to pre-marital sex. :p

On the other hand, there are muslims that allow their children of different sexs to mingle with each other, women now work alongside men, and there's probably even people dating. Just as long as there's no pre-marital sex.

16 Name: Julio : 2008-04-16 20:52 ID:KDaWYSlc


It´s a rule from Al Coran. I ask about this to some muslins and they told me that. We are "impures", hehe.

Oh, and there is something interesting about pre-marital sex: Prostitution is strong forbidden, so, in some countries, they do a marriage contract which works only one night... so they have sex with a professional "wife".

Very smart! :p

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 00:39 ID:dggn+zZh


Islam is a savage religion that refuses to co-exist with other faiths. It turned the Middle East from a paradise to a wasteland(Persia to Iran, Constantinople to Turkey) et cetera).

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 03:15 ID:GO3XuSmD

>>17 All religions are manmade lies, Cut of religion and there will still be the Demonhead called "God" which creates new mindstupid religions. No troll here, just saying. Bye

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 04:14 ID:dggn+zZh

>>Bawwww, my parents made me go to church. I'm an Atheist because I'm so edgy and cool.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 05:58 ID:M7nP3hJB

Here is advice from a Muslim who is dating a Muslim. In my case, my girlfriend will not date unless there is serious long term potential aka can she see herself marrying me? And this is a common view held among other Muslim girls that they won't date unless they can see themselves married to the guy. Also in Islam, Muslim girls cannot marry a Christian or a Jew under the assumption that the children will follow the belief of the father. So she may not be dating you because she can't see her self getting hitched to you.

Guys can marry only a Christian or Jew because they are monotheistic religions, so guys religiously cannot marry a Hindu. But my cousin did and there are a lot of cases of that happening and girls marry guys outside of the religion. It is all dependent on the person, not the religion they follow. But strictly speaking, Muslims are not suppose to date in general, but obviously I am. So, at least for me, I judge the person's behavior not beliefs.

In your case OP, she has those beliefs and thus will not date you. But honestly if she like you enough then she would date you, but she doesn't so sorry. I know you are upset, but again coming from a Muslim's perspective, you don't want to date an Egyptian. Sure they are pleasant on the eyes, but they are some fierce women. Piss them off and they will murder you with a shriek of words.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 06:19 ID:dggn+zZh

Did you know that in London, a cleric is a paying young Muslim men to covert Sheik and Hindi girls?

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 21:05 ID:XHUFUtf3

I like how people are bashing all sorts of faiths but then end it by saying "Im not a troll!" Classic.

Her beliefs are obviously important to her. You must respect that and move on.

Lol make her convert... wow... you guys are funny.

23 Name: gothicgirl : 2008-04-24 22:18 ID:6jVNlcqI

My family is Muslim (I am not 'cause I don't really believe in religion although I believe in god) and trust me if she is a religious muslim she has a lot more reasons.

  1. Muslims are not allowd to date. You get married to whoever your parents pick (arranged marrige).
  2. Muslims only marry people from thier country and religion.
  3. For Muslims it is a sin to even think about a guy as more than a friend before marrige.

These rules are dumb, but a lot of people follow them.

24 Name: 20 : 2008-04-24 23:28 ID:+tNcb/Db

Damn, I never heard of those rules.

  1. Yes Muslims are not allowed to date, but you don't have to choose who your parents pick. You ever hear of ISNA?
  2. Only marry from country? I'm Paki, my girlfriend is Egyptian (again OP they are fucking crazy).
  3. More of a cultural thing than anything. Something your parents said so you don't "shame" the family.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-25 14:28 ID:FYBgZoj2

These Muslim laws are so puritanical it's frightening. It's all about control over women because they don't trust them to stay virgins until marriage.

However, the western dating system can get pretty cumbersome and painful if you can't keep up or play it right. Not to mention letting everyone sleep with whomever they want causes rampant drama and STDs.

Even so, don't go signing me up for arranged marriage.

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-25 17:45 ID:kilACiq2

OP, I'm a Muslim girl. A a few years Christian man fell in love with me, and vice versa, and guess what? When it came to marriage, he said a) not willing to convert and b) not willing to talk about marriage. To keep a long story short, we're not together anymore.

So, I understand where she's coming from. Even if, as you said, she believes that her philosophy is crazy, but continues to follow it, that's probably not all. Even if you assume that she drops the philosophy and dates you, there are other factors involved like family and friends, who may not think the same way... can you see where I'm going with this? It's not right according to religion, but even if you can ignore it, it's simply not practical.

Good luck.

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-25 19:52 ID:YGsu0QmT

Check it out OP, maybe you'll find her there.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-26 21:04 ID:Heaven

Egyptians are niggers in denial.

29 Name: gothicgirl : 2008-04-27 01:39 ID:6jVNlcqI

Well those r old rules 4 really religious Muslims. Maybe ur family isn't as religious as mine. Muslims r supposed to follow them, but now most don't.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-27 01:59 ID:Heaven

Well those r new rules 4 really religious Muslims. Maybe ur family is as religious as mine. Muslims r supposedlakjtioWJER

31 Name: 20 : 2008-04-27 21:26 ID:3Un24Fn4


My family is pretty strict and if I didn't see any long term potential with my girlfriend then I would have gone for her. Kind of sad, but I have been conditioned to think that I have to find a girl to marry. However, even I wasn't dating her and I was good friends it is still possible that we will marry (I consider her my best friend too). In my family, we have no problem with friends of the opposite gender, as long as they don't get too close. In the eyes of my parents the fact that we are already friends means we already have a relationship ready and marriage between us will not be as difficult. So as far is my Mom is concerned I have a really good Egyptian friend (though I am quite sure my Mom can read between the lines).

The whole arranged marriage thing works if you believe in that system. So back home it works because that is how they were raised and they have a whole family to support the system. Yes people to exploit and abuse it, but is because people suck not the system itself. But that system doesn't really work in the West. Since arranged marriage worked because kids are brought up on that idea, then it will work. But in the West, a lot of us are brought up on the idea of finding a girl and then you court her and after awhile you get married aka. dating. Our parents assumed since we are Muslim we would just follow their system. But since that system doesn't really exist then how can we expect to follow it. 3 of my friend have already gotten married and basically they were 'good friends' and then got hitched. So you can say that is the new Muslim dating system in the US.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-07 17:43 ID:+PH0/Yks

She does not like you. Just find another girl.

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