so here's the story there's a girl in my psychology class who I think is really cute, but we haven't spoken more than a couple sentences before to each other. I've got two classes left and I'd really like to get a date out of it. So my question is should I just be direct and ask her out, or forget it.
"Hey, nice to see you blah blah blah, yeah, that's too bad we got only two classes left, I enjoy chatting with you, I'd be glad if we could hang around sometime for maybe, I don't know, a coffee or something. Gimme your number, I'll call you, okay? [nice smile] "
"I hate you, and I don't even want to have sex with you."
Wrap yourself in an enigma, chicks, ESPECIALLY psychology chicks, love that shit.
Was there any indications of interest from her?
Ask her to study together, thats a way you can meet and get her number at the same time.
OP here I did pick up some signs of interest from her, but the next class is the last test the class after that is a graded discussion
Well try to talk to her as you are leaving the class.
ask her to study together sometime... then ask her to do sth w/ her afterwards!!!!
If you've only spoken a few sentences before it seems a bit premature to ask her out.
Meh, I say don't bother with it. 2 days ain't long enough to work any mojo, and this is coming from someone with experience...
Hate to be the negative one here...but then again, who knows-
2 more classes and you never have to see her again, so why not try it?
OP here I've decided to go for it because if it works out awesome if not it's not that big a deal
Listen to #2. Simple as that.
Sure. Ask for her contact info (email or AIM) so you can keep in touch. If you get some info, say, "Hey, maybe we can find some time later to hang out and grab a bite to eat."
The key to this is that you hint something down the line, making you seem less desperate, which in-turn leads to a more comfortable environment.
E-mail her a couple days later and go from there. Ask her what her final grade was in the class, how she liked the class, ect ect. Just find some really easy convo. points so you both can get accustomed to talking to each other. If there are a few messages sent back and forth, move on to meeting up in person.
One key piece of advice- do not talk about everything you can think of in the emails. Keep them shout and sweet so you can have some stuff to talk about when you meet.
15 is a good advice, but an email or AIM? why not phone number in the days of texting and what not...
I never walked up to a girl to ask for her email.... i dont know i prefer calling... but yea maybe im outdated..
good luck
I also favor the number. Speaking in person on the phone might be more direct and can help building a "relationship" (not in the romantic meaning of the word, well, not for starters).
OP here I spoke to her today, I didn't say much, but the way I got up the courage to was to just think of her as any other person. On Monday I'm going to try to keep up the conversation, and find out what classes she's taking over the summer if she's taking any I am then I guess I can go from there, if not I'll try and get her email address. By the way thanks for the advise so far.
These two lines worked on me:
"You're really cool, we should hang out sometime. Can I get your number?"
"Okay, when is a good time for me to call you?"
Then call her on the day she says.
(This may be crap advice, because unlike some girls I'm just sort of friendly and will go on at least one date with someone even if I don't know if I like them. And I find punctuality, straightforwardness, and kindness refreshing. No need for silly "I'm trying to be seductive and keep the mystery" boy-games with me, because I suck at playing girl-games back. But maybe I'm weird.)