Angst. (5)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 03:05 ID:qnbtTpe/

No relationship issue is complete without getting the chan's opinions of it.

I've been in a relationship with a girl for four years. It's her first serious relationship, and we've been dating since underageb& days. Unfortunately, we have almost nothing in common - she disapproves of my lack of morality, my political motivation, half my hobbies and my sense of humour. For my part I think she's a staid daddy's girl who does a fake degree at a sixth rate university because she lacks the imagination, application and intelligence to do anything else (Fashion Design - University of Technology Sydney). A few months ago I moved a few hours away to go to a real university (for the record, the best Ausfagland has to offer), and have really been moving away from her faster than ever. Officially we entered an open relationship where we were allowed to have physical relationships with other people, but after four years of virtual monogamy I find it hard to pick up on that basis.

So anyway, I came up to Sydney for a debating tournament over the same weekend she went down to Melbourne for a music festival (first cultural activity she's attended - EVAR). While at this tournament I met someone. Engaged really well with her, have shit loads in common, she's a Economics/Law student who fucks with options to make insane profits (crush capitalism, but a girl who can screw with a system is damned hot). Met her on the last night of the tournament and refrained from bedding her because I really thought she deserved better (or more). This was my mistake, I shouldn't have talked to her all night and formed an emotional relationship - I should have nailed and bailed saving all this trouble. I also told her I was single on a technicality, but have since cleared this up.

Seems obvious where this is going. I'm back in the federal capital and in a fucked situation. At the heart of the whole thing is the fact that whichever one I pick I'm still in a long distance relationship. I know if I break up with my girlfriend there will be lots of crying and butthurt, but that "Taking a break" isn't a realistic option ever.


2 Name: Se!PIL97s7aMc : 2008-04-30 03:12 ID:HMPZMGjt

You don't belong on 4-ch. Error : 4- 2 keywords search :" relationship (= +- positive) / "loli" (= +- negative) / "Shota" (=+- negative) / "Hikikomori " (= +- negative)/

Search aborted qualify three - FAIL.

Have a nice day

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 03:21 ID:qnbtTpe/

You want me to incorporate them?

The new one reminds me superficially of my sister as she might be in about eight years time. Similar looks, similar style of intelligence.

My girlfriend has always reminded me of my mother. Same lack of contribution to society, same lack of motivation, same penchant for blaming everything but herself, similar quirky attractiveness.

More recently I've been basically confining myself to my room. People who I was initially very good friends with in college now comment that they never see me. I've withdrawn onto the chans and video games to escape from the world I've stopped conveniently fitting into. Perhaps a change of girlfriend would help that in that I'd have something to talk about and wouldn't be depressed all the time. I need to stop withdrawing because I'm not even going to classes anymore. Can someone predict how this will effect that?

Also, you're an asshole.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 03:37 ID:G6sdTrCC

There's no such thing as an "open relationship". Either you're dating or you're not, end of story. Besides, you two don't even get along, why are you even bothering with each other? Completely break up with her, let her go, and go find someone who you actually like, not someone who you're with just because you're afraid of hurting her feelings. She'll get over it and move on, so will you.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 10:44 ID:ZBs69+GK

>>4 this

In the end, "open relationship" just leads to trouble. And it's not fair to girls you like more/who like you more, and it's not fair to your current gf, either.

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