what to do? what to do?
i had been seeing this WL (working lady) for a few times now. i really enjoyed my time seeing her (not just the sex). she's really friendly and energetic, always saying how she likes me blablabla... yeah, i know she probably said the same thing to the other hundred guys but still, it made me feel good.
btw i'm asian and she's korean. argghh all those korean movies are turning me into some sort of korean freak, i'm a sucker for korean girl now. so her being this absolutely stunning korean girl really helps!!!
well anyway, she said she is quitting her job and going to study english in a local college. oh did i say she kept saying how she likes me a lot and stuff?? she asked for my number and i asked for her (out of courtesy)
yap and true enough when i went back to the parlor, i was told that she already quit!! kind of made me sad
my problem is i want to see her again!!! if not for sex, being friends is okay too (she's really a fun girl)
first of all, i don't expect this to go anywhere like in the movies where we ended up together, living happily ever after and that.
its just that i want to see her again, is that normal? developing a feeling for a WL? yes i realised that she was probably nice because she had to or probably to get return customer. heck, probably doesn't even like me at all.
but now that she quit, i just cant help but want to see her again (she probably doesn't even remember me, oh well)
i just can't stop fantasizing that i have this "relationship" with her. can't really move on when she's all that i think about!! stupid? you bet...
honestly, if other people happens to be in my situation and ask for my advice, i'll just tell him to forget about it and just look for other girl to have sex. after all sex is probably the only issue here!! for god's sake, of all the girls you have to like a WL!!! at least this is what society in general would say, right??
please don't condemn me, i just want some opinion from you guys.
i think i'll contact her, but what do i say?? what would she think (assuming she remember me)??
It's normal to develop feelings for a person you're sleeping with. Biological even.
To find her, check local colleges that teach english.
To forget her, find someone else to fall in love with.
speaks the truth.
if she really gave you her number, call her.
if you're afraid, then, well, forget it.
Try and contact her but hold on to your cock so you dont have sex with her.
dammit...this sounds like a Densha Otoko ~ Another story complex
You're going to get beaten up by two Yakuza dudes and they'll steal your ring :(
yap definitely have to contact her, better to put me out of my misery sooner if she says no, no loss in trying right??
i'll just ask if she wants to meet up and have dinner. i'll post what happens next (assuming she answer).
anyway its such a relief that i can actually talk about my situation. don't think i can ever talk about this to even my closest friends or family
welcome to the 4-ch clan!!!
call her, ask her to go to dinner or just coffee, anything.
arghh no luck so far, she did not answer. well i left a message anyway (still hoping she would reply somehow). the number its right because she replied to me once when i asked when she was working next (this was when she was still working)
feel stupid really, i mean she gave me her phone number (i didn't ask for it btw) and told me to call her, then she did not answer. hmm... what does she want then (by giving me her number)?? got me confused, that's for sure.
that is, to a minimum, a friendly gesture. She is just telling you "I want to know you better." But it's not a sign saying "I love you." If that was the case...she would be constantly leaving you text messages and voice mails. Then again...I find that creepy.
oh no, i understand its not a sign saying "i love you", but i just thought that she might want to be friend or something. that's why i was thinking why she didn't answer if that's the case.
and i thought about it before, if she was just being friendly, there was no need to give her number right? although the circumstance we met was not normal anyway.
damn just because she gave her number, i tried to convince myself that it meant something more than her being friendly, man how pathetic is that...
It's possible she was just busy, and will call you back. I mean, I think it's weird that she would give you her personal number if your relationship was "professional," so to speak.
and yeah, she may just want to be friends, but it may be something more...But you're right, yours is a really unusual a really unusual circumstance, so there's no telling how it will go.
"Pretty Woman," anyone?
@Thunder-chan...I don't think this is somewhat related to the movie. If anything...OP over here would continue to go at her and call her up...over and over again.
Anyways...just keep calling. No...better yet, talk to her up front. Seriously...just ask her "can we hang out" and hope for a response. The phone number is one thing, but actually do something that doesn't involve using a device to communicate.
hey she just replied!!! as i said earlier, she didn't answer my call, so i sent an sms instead, just asking how she's doing and if she's studying full time now.
well her reply is short, "how are you? i work today, long time no see~"
well i just replied that i might drop by later if i could. when in fact i'm 100% gonna go.
i'm not sure if i should ask her out now, just afraid it might awkward if all she really wants is 'more business'. well anyway i'll see how it goes later
fool...don't be hasty. just talk to her...and be a least friendly with her. don't bring up "can I go out with you" until later in the conversation (and try making it "a long conversation"...it will lighten the mood).
oh yes i was only gonna ask her out near the end, not at the beginning of the session. hope she'll agree to it. wish me luck!
ok when i arrived at the parlor, i was told to wait for 15 mins so i started chatting with the pimp.
when i booked the girl, he asked me "oh she sms you right?" a bit surprised but i replied yes.
then he told me "this girl very bitchy man, when she works, always messages the customers first, one day she could do 20 customers"
then he continued, "other girls don't like her and stuff." apparently 20 customers is above average here, so she's like stealing the others' business, then some more bitching about the girl blablabla, in a way i think that he was trying to tell me that she's not as good a girl as i think, don't try to get too close
after all, a third person's point of view is more subjective right? especially when he's been around in this 'business', the pimp seemed like a nice guy, really felt like he was warning me somehow, probably because i looked surprised when he asked if she had sms me beforehand, probably thinking that i thought i was the only one she sms, and he'd be right too!!!
at the end of session i just chatted with her, didn't ask her out or anything, wasn't sure then if i did really want some kind of a relationship with her, apparently she didn't quit (just had a break) so if i changed my mind about asking her out, then it won't be a problem seeing her again
what do you guys think??? don't really know what i want now...
come to think about it, the good thing about seeing a WL is because there is no string attached, if i see her outside work, it kind of defeats the purpose right? might as well see regular girl, not that i have the problem of girls not wanting to go out with me, just no one suitable at the moment
still it's easier said than done if you are attracted to the girl already even if you know that she just wants your money
for you, I feel the same: I don't want to believe this "pimp;" I still have feelings for her. However, that cannot be determined until you actually interact with her. Now, at this point...YOU NEED to pull her out of this work and actually interact with her in the real world. Just talking to her at the parlor means one thing: you were treated like a customer...nothing more, nothing less. Unless this is a Densha Otoko ~another story~ miracle...try not to keep your hopes up.
All i can say is this...if you don't know what you want with her...GIVE UP!! otherwise...go for her.
>no string attached
There's no such thing, as your first post attests to. The fact that you've developed feelings for her proves that there are always strings attached. That's what these girls are trying for, so that they can get repeat customers and thus more money. You need to make up your mind now; are you going to pursue her (and probably get your heart broken), are you going to go become some other woman's source of income, or are you going to try for a meaningful relationship with somebody completely new?