errrr, how do i do this? (21)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-10 07:55 ID:KJImeUJr

Better ask her what the friend's comment was about. You don't want to dump your current gf, go out with her, and then deal with ex drama immediately afterwards.
You might also want to have a heart to heart with your current gf. Have a frank discussion about the fact that you realize you may not be showing her enough attention, but that she needs to understand that you love her, but sometimes need time to yourself to finish important assignments. Then ask her if there's anything you can do to make her feel secure in your love for her while still allowing you a bit more freedom. Don't say anything accusatory, just try to see if there's some middle ground that can be reached. If so, great, give it a try and see how it turns out. If not, then maybe it isn't meant to be.

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