So... Seems as though I have a dillema (14)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-13 02:36 ID:JDV2zz5W

I understand what you are getting at.
My inconsistancy is mostly cause I'm not too sure how I should word the situation without going too much into detail or getting offtrack with minor things.

I believe that it would be best for me to back away and just let her be happy with the boyfriend she has.
She doesnt seem to complain about him so much so I assume they have a happy relationship.
I just feel troubled because she is the first girl in some time to actually admit to liking me as more than just a friend.
To top the matter, I have a thing about interfering with other peoples relationships, thinking my own time has come and gone with the epic failure from when I went into the army.

On a humorous note, It would be funny seeing the guy get past the gate security explaining why he has a shotgun strapped to his motorcycle. Not expresing views one way or the other. But the thought amuses me.

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