Ok, so I guess i should Explain things. I have a Girlfriend, Well, sort of, We're together yet not. I'm Currently at College and she's still in school. She's 2 and a Half Years younger than me and i care about her so much. But we have both admited that we can't see much progressing with our relationship. We're more like Brother and Sister than a Coupple. I thought i'd be happy just to keep her, but after a while of thinking about it, i'm starting to think I should look elsewhere for someone.
So, what do you sugest? do I keep going with her? or do you think I should start looking somewhere else?
Considering the lack of content and obvious attempt to obscure the phrasing, I suspect that this is a troll to lure grammar/spelling nazis.
Yeh, sorry, I'm actually Dyslexic, My spelling and Grammar arn't too good, But this is authentic.
hmmmm.... i dunno it is pretty vauge
what do you mean by not a lot of progression in the relationship?
more details on the not progressing
what do you want to do? what do you feel is right?
Look elsewhere. Your thoughts speak for themselves.