I'm in love with one of my friends. (gay relationship, we're both guys). I think he is Bi, but I'm not exactly sure. He knows I'm actually In love with him, but I think he's a but nervous about it. When I hold his hand I can tell he's uncomfortable about being seen in public about it, (unless it's a joke to tease people). And once I asked if he was single, would he go out with me if I asked. It took two weeks for a reply, but when he finally did he said "I might". I want to be with him, but there's another problem, He's going out with someone. The person he is going out with is a girl and also one of my best friends. They seem to be in a "Love Hate Relationship". She doesn't know that I'm bi or even that I am in love with her boyfriend, so how can I tell her?
Have a threesome.
It's a win-win-win situation.
Wait, why would you want to tell -her-? She'd probably just turn defensive and tell you keep your hands off of him. How would you feel if someone told you they were "in love" with your S.O.?
Sounds like he's not ready to be with you, if he's still clinging onto the girl and uneasy about the idea of the two of you together in public. I wouldn't tell her, honestly. At least not until his feelings are sure. If you tell her now, you'll probably lose her as a friend, and you might risk losing him, as well.
I've seen the "Oh god I'm not gay" thing happen, firsthand, on many an occasion. I'd hate for it to happen to you, OP :[
well, you don't know what he talks about.
the last time I was around him, he talked about how he wanted to basically have a pancake orgy. Me + him + nudity + a lot of pancakes. he talks of this in front of large groups of people. He has odd reasoning.
Fantasy is different from reality.
...Answered my own.. statement.
And you did so with proper grammar. Is there another personality you have that we don't know about?
Does your alternate personality also like to engage over the internet in master/slave related fantasies with other men? Because if so...
It's good to love your friends. And sometimes friends WANT to be with you in the bedroom too. Be True to yourself; and enjoy your friendship(s) as well as your romantic endevours.
When a friend is hesitant about being in the bedroom, then repsect that ...and look elsewhere for bedroom activity.
When a guy is bisexual he sometimes isn't as comfortable with being with (other)guys as he is comfortable being with a woman. So be it. There are Billions of guys who WANT to be other guys; persue those guys ..and love the ones (who are straight and/or bisexual) OUTSIDE of the bedroom.
Life is full of safe & healthy possibilities. Seek to find who(and what) you REALLY want, and Life will be more enjoyable for you in the long run.