My friend found a girl on the internet. He thinks that she likes him but doesn't realize that shes from the internet and is only doing this to toy with him. Now I don't have any proof that she is like that but shes HOT and well, he has a neckbeard. What should I do?
Don't be jealous. Let him be; if he gets punked,played whatever =lesson in life. On the other hand it might be real,
This ho is probably a bro.
bros b4 hoes!
Neckbeards are in?!?! fuck I gotta get growing
if you've ever had a girl, you would learn that the whole Bro's before hoes rule is really null. If you were a real bro, you would never pull out the bros be4 hoes on a friend
Neards are gross
but besides that, let him figure it out on his own, let him know you are concerned but dont beat him over the head with it, nothing is more annoying then your friends giving advice when you dont want it
and that way if it goes in the shitter he cant get pissed at you for not warning him
and if it works out he cant get pissed for trying to convince him out of it.