Falling for a girl who's boyfriend is a close friend of mine... (16)

15 Name: 2 : 2008-06-03 11:43 ID:56cVQhtV


> Yeah I know I should be thinking about meeting someone as chill as her and not taking her away from my friend, but ATM it feels like I'm never going to find anyone :P

Everyone feels that way sometimes. I once went a year and a half without a relationship, but the funny thing was I found that girl on a weekend where going on the pull was the very last thing. These things happen when you least expect them to, so spend some time on yourself and get the thought of women out of your head completely for the meantime.

You'll find someone eventually. You sound like you're still in your early-to-mid teens, you've got plenty of time. Though this is coming from someone who can be pretty impatient himself.

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