Should i wait to ask, or what? (7)

1 Name: orly? : 2008-06-03 21:00 ID:d50YQrKi

so, theirs this girl i like. shes a friend, but not 'that close' of a freind, so, if we date, that barrier wont be a problem.
i realy like her, and have expressed intrest...talking/starting conversations/minor-flirting/etc. she doesnt seem to mind and such, so i was planning on asking her out...
hers the deal, though. im going to be gone for, idk, the next 6-8 weeks come next week or so.
-should i still go ahead and ask her out? going out once (via she says yes) and wait until that time is over?
-or should i ask her out, and wait until after i come back to go on a date?
-or should i just wait until i get back, and pray shes not going out with someone by then?
-and if i cant go on a date b4 i leave, which would be the best otion?

i just dont want to miss my chance...thanks.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 02:46 ID:vWxgQXer

damn man, thats gotta suck. has she expressed the same sort of interest towards you tho? we need to know the full details. also how old are you, not many younger people (school age) would be willing to wait that long

3 Name: Kikk0man : 2008-06-04 02:59 ID:xToryDTF

whould you do anything to be in a relationship with her?

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 03:19 ID:sD97zQVv

Ask her out on a date now. Get her interested. The time away would make her think.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 03:56 ID:NS8qJAFh

>>4 speaks the truth.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 03:56 ID:K4ox1u3E


7 Name: orly : 2008-06-04 10:14 ID:NZhAzYy6

meh...4 has a good point. yes, she is someone i would like to be in a relation ship with 3...other wise id just find someone where im gloing for a few weeks XD

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