i'm a good friend of girl A. A has a huge crush on girl B. I've personally never met or talked to B. A has been (her words) flirting with B on myspays (A knows B through a mutual friend at a school that they used to go to, though A says that they hardly ever talked). B posts the following on her myspays (paraphrased): I don't like people i hardly know approaching me with the intent of being more than friends. If I think I will like you, I will approach you.
now i think this could be directed at A. do i tell A? i've pretty much settled on 'stay out of it' because i don't want to be a gossip and i don't stand to lose anything by staying out of it anyway. it's also not really my business. that being said, i don't think A would really hold it against me were i to tell her. thoughts?
'stay out of it'
stay out of it! You don't know B, like you said, and that message is so vague it's waaayy open for interpretation.
'stay out of it' seems wise to me...
staying out of it. actually, regretting i ever asked, since it was a pretty stupid question in the first place lol
you know, i'd have to agree. you should stay out of it. only if you want to get yourself involved into something that will be hard to get out of.