When and how did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend? Or when and how did you meet your ex?
I'd like some sappy love stories please, 4channel.
#1: On an anime board. NOT JOKING. Long relationship I've been in; we're still awesome friends. She is one chill-ass sista.
#2: Friends in high school; had a crush on her in high school, confessed it to her, she rejected me. Still stayed friends, until suddenly one cold autumn night (freshman year of college) she was hanging out at my place, we were chillin' on my bed, and we ended up kissing. We ended up dating that very week.
#3: Friend in high school; I thought she was hot but never pursued her. ran back into her at an anime convention and had some fun. It ended bizarrely quick though O_O
#4: Friend from a non-profit organization I worked with; I confessed my love to her a year or two before, she declined. 2 years later, she ended up coming over to my place for her birthday, and we ended up kissing.
I never did
Go out there and change that, brother. It ain't hard after a bit of practice.
Also, I've noticed that if you wait a bit, it's possible to drop out of the "Friend Zone". You just gotta work it the right way...
-I've had her but didn't feel that way
-I've felt that way but didn't have her
-I've been out there
-The "friend zone" is my prime territory, I must seem like a truly great guy or something
-Friends are a bother
-The less I work it the more they pile up
-I start caring years too late
-I'm 26 and a fucking half
-I'll still be a virgin when I'm 30
I hardly care anymore
I'm too odd for something as regular as relationships. Unless I'm horny I'm kind of happy about, not being in a position where I have to be accountable for anyone but myself. I already treat myself like shit, even thought I'm not down with the emo. The only thing that makes me sad is that even though I want to, I can't be a loving, caring person.
To be honest, I think I'm a fucking douchebag. Maybe that's why I avoid people...
But I have not always thought like this. This is something I've concluded after many years of just living, and hoping for something. It drains my energy to hope for and work towards something that never fucking happens anyway.
Time may feel free to prove me wrong, I'd be all for that.
-I guess that's pretty much it, Yes there have been girls who had a crush on me but i didn't feel the same so they call me an asshole when i deny them..pfff
As for >>7 Don't hope, don't care and she will be there.
>>As for >>7 Don't hope, don't care and she will be there.
I'm not >>7, but I've been not hoping and not caring for over ten years now. And you know what? If girls catch on that you don't care (and they will, believe me), they certainly won't "be there."
Think about it: why would a girl want to date someone who apparently shows no interest whatsoever in dating? Or in her?
If you truly don't hope and don't care, all you'll ever see from it is more of the status quo. Personally, I've accepted that, but nobody in >>7's position should delude himself into thinking that remaining aloof will cause girls to fall into his lap.
>>9 It took you 10 years to figure that out? Look,i have difficulties with girls too, but it's always when i go "looking" that i end up with some i don't care for..it is only in circumstances beyond my control (see above)i meet them. Yes corny,but it did happen. What i meant in not caring,not hoping..is not going to the clubes,bars etc...what about work? Or someone you bump on the train,yes it does happen. THEN you should do your move, OFCOURSE IF YOU don't care at that moment,you will never get any.
But if you do care too much,you will chase them away.., girls don't like that shit.
I went to school with my first boyfriend. We were best friends for years, then the relationship he was in ended, and we started dating. We stayed together for almost a year, and we're still good friends.
My second one doesn't even really count - we spent the night making out an an anime convention, then a week later he started dating a friend of a friend. Which sucked for a little while, but he lives far away and I started dating someone else a couple week later, so it's all good.
I met my current boyfriend when he stopped me on the street and asked me to donate to the charity he works for. I couldn't, so I kept walking down the street. On my way back I saw him again, we started talking some, and he asked me for my phone number. We went on a date the next weekend, and have been together for almost two months now. It's funny, I can't even give good advice to my lonely nerd friends, as the one really successful relationship I've been in is with someone who practically dropped out of nowhere.
Oh, and the great thing about the convention I met boy #2 at was I really could have gotten with any of the boys I talked to that weekend. Cons are always a nice ego boost.
>>It took you 10 years to figure that out?
More like seven. For the first several years, I kept waiting for a girl to fall out of the sky or somesuch. Basically that someone nice would appear, we'd meet, we'd click, and before you know it, we'd be off to the land of romantic bliss.
Took a long time to disabuse myself of that nonsense.
She was a high school student at the science olympiad circuits lab I created, we hit it off, a few dates, but shes an atheist and went off to another college, so that ended fast.
Met her at a church group. Mutually attracted, dated for 3 months, then she dumped me because she loved reading more than me, bitch (she gave a much more lame excuse)
My current and final one, my fiancee, met her at dance dance revolution club at my school. My first kiss, my first everything, if you will...heh heh...and my last. I'm ultra loyal