ok, trouble time: ask or not too v2.0 (5)

1 Name: lulz : 2008-06-11 01:14 ID:gpHzjEx5

ok, so, again, there's a girl i like.

shes alittle younger than me (1.5 years or so) but we get allong good. we can talk fine generally (although sometimes not- but thats less often than anything)...and if i were to, say, pat her head/touch a shoulder or something, she doesnt shy away or anything..
now, im gonna be going away for a few weeks, and want to aske her.
we were talking about dating the other day, ans she stated how she thought thier wasnt much point at the current point in her life...
i saaid:
well, what if some guy asks you? what if you like them?

she responded (in order:)
i probably would...yeah.pause #1 but it...depends on the guy. *pause #2) id have to think about it.
now, she said the 'yeah' part while looking at me, and then looked away. then, she looked back at the 'id have to think about it'
now, i dont want to look to far into things, but ive been told girls say nOTHING w/o reason behind it, and dont let ANYTING slip.
is this a good indication that, barring i ask, shell say yes? im gonna ask either way- so i dont get stuck on friend ladder- but im wondering your all's thoughts.
thanks :)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-11 02:40 ID:IJyOTbPz

I wouldn't ask her until you come BACK from wherever you're going. After that, invite her on a small, short date with just the two of you. Something like coffee or studying together or a walk in the park.

Believe it or not, girls can be scared of commitment just as much as guys. Dinner and a movie means she has to dress up, stress over how she looks, and spend a whole evening with you. Something shorter and lighter is more appealing.

If she accepts, you're already in good shape. Be sure to keep things light and positive. Bring your best smile. After your short date tell her that you had a lot of fun, and you want to do it more often in the future. She'll probably catch on right away, but if she doesn't, keep trying, making the dates a little bigger and a little more involved each time.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-11 02:51 ID:Heaven

Better yet, tell her BEFORE you leave that it would be great to go grab a coffee or something when you come back so you can tell each other what the news are. Don't actually set the date, just plant the idea in her mind.

When you come back, do >>2.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-11 02:51 ID:ZNtgfonD

Ooops, my sage misfired.

5 Name: lulz : 2008-06-11 10:57 ID:O9e06lFX

it WOULD give allot to talk about, to plan the idea NOw then have the date when i come back...

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