Hey guys.
There's a cute girl at a grocery store I frequent. She's usually working as a cashier, so I get a chance to see her face to face and talk every once in a while. Today I even went in to pick up a few things real quick and although she didn't ring me out, she saw me from the next lane over and gave me a bright smile and mouthed a "Hey!", so I'm thinking there's a mutual attraction going on.
I'd like to chat with her a little bit more than your typical "Hi, how are you, did you find everything okay, that'll be $x.xx, thank you, have a nice day" that we always go through, but I usually feel nervous and rushed, especially with other people behind me in line.
What I really want to know if there's a time of day that's usually slow at your average grocery store. I'm thinking if I go when there's not many people around I'll have a better chance at REALLY talking to this girl. That's my plan at least.
Any advice people can give would be greatly appreciated.
You're right, there could be some kind of mutual attraction happening. I would suggest trying to talk with her somehow...hmm.
Maybe buy something random, and get her to check you out at the register, and then ask her if she likes what you bought. Something like that. Idk...maybe buy some cookies, "yea these are great, i love these" or something...
Hmm. Or if your really brave tell her you'd like to talk to her, and see if you can get her # possibly.
Next time you pay, have a bit of paper with your number on it. Give it to her with your cash/card, smile and tell her to get in touch sometime. Now get the hell out and don't look back. This usually works better with cash as the less time she has to dwell on it the better.
Buy some condoms, lube, and a tractor magazine.
No really though, you're probably right. There's got to be something if she picked you out and said hello. How busy is the store usually? Because if she's seen a lot of people around yet can still pick you out, then I'd say that's a pretty good thing.
I do like >>3 idea though. That seems like a great plan. Maybe though you should suggest doing something and let her dwell on that as well. Like coffee or lunch or something to that effect.
This is perfect.
"Hey, I know you're a little busy now, but would you like to maybe later hang out, get to know each other?"
"Sure." (Or some good reply).
"How about ______ at ______ 'o clock?"
Or better idea that I think would be perfect that you should definatley do, >>3
>>3 this idea will make him look like a nutcase stalker. bad idea. just go there and freestyle it man, use whatever natural charisma u got.
Just ask her about her self. Nothing like, "SO, WHAT'S YOUR BLOOD TYPE AND WHERE DO YOU LIVE?" Maybe something simple and nonthreatening like, "So, how long have you worked here?" or "Been in the area long" or just a simple "How's it going today?"
Something easy going to break the ice. Don't freak her out by being too straight forward. Just say something different each time you're in. Maybe she'll give you something more to go on in her response to your idle banter. Keep us updated, whatever you do.
I work as a cashier at a grocery store too!
I agree with 4 that there is something if she says hello to you without being forced. It's usually quieter the later it is at night, which is easier to initiate genuine conversation. Maybe after a few days of >>8 's strategy you can ask her what she is doing later after work.
well, i work at a Safeway as courtesy clerk, but our hours are basically the same as the cashiers. It tends to be slow in the mornings, and closer to closing...
Never go in on the weekend though. it's sure to be packed (expecially on sundays... i didnt think so many people went grociery shopping on sundays...)
i'd say try random days during weird hours =3 like.... try tuesday at 3 30 or something
Or, try to go around at her lunch break hour, and when you see she's closing, just go up to her and say "hey, you're taking a lunch break? care if I eat a piece of something with you?"
Might take a few attempts to have her break hour right, also remember cashiers' hours often vary during the week.