massive! (9)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-17 02:02 ID:cgunYPDa

i have a major issue: i just cannot see how any girl could like me. i see it as an impossibility, and i cant really explain why. whenever im talking to a girl im interested in (or any girl, really), something is always telling me "she hates you, you have no chance,just leave"

i dont think girls are ever interested in me. either that or i completely suck at picking up signals. granted, there were a few times where i thought i received signals of interest from girls, but every time that happened i went through this thought pattern:

-i'm an idiot for thinking that i have a chance

-i'd better stop giving myself false hope before i cause more hurt

i really need a way to boost my self-esteem. i have absolutely no idea how though; i feel stuck. i'm turning 18 this summer, and i dont want to start university feeling like complete crap.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-17 03:01 ID:87B+vQ3a

That kind of attitude is part of the problem.

3 Name: Anonette : 2008-06-17 03:11 ID:bQs+Dbaf


>whenever im talking to a girl im interested in (or any girl, really), something is always telling me "she hates you, you have no chance,just leave"

That's how I use to feel around guys until I realized that they're opinion of me doesn't matter.

Stop thinking that every girl you meet is girlfriend material, some people are better as friends.

And if you can't pick up on signs, ask a friend who is good with ladies to ask if a girl likes you to make sure.

4 Name: Daydreamer : 2008-06-20 12:55 ID:hCfVBAu9

Agreed. As they say, you cannot truly love others before you learn to love yourself.

Two ways to learn to love yourself are by self-improvement and by accepting who you are. The solution should be a different mixture of those two for everyone.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-21 04:07 ID:p5+2It9i

6 Name: Admirable Secret : 2008-06-21 11:38 ID:TtaaGHLs

>Stop thinking that every girl you meet is girlfriend material, some people are better as friends.

Hate to break it to you, but this isn't the way a guy should think in today's society. There's too much pressure on men to be proactive about these things.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-21 15:16 ID:miJgHQob

Listen to this person.

I absolutely hate myself and can't see why anyone would like me because if I don't love myself then how can I expect anyone else to love me?

I'm still working on self-improvement and hope I'll start to see myself in a different light.

8 Name: H.K. : 2008-06-26 20:11 ID:/1TBIQmm

You've got to get over those kinds of feelings and attitudes. That's whats stopping you from anything at all.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-27 05:30 ID:yq7c27Nx

Actually I think >>3 is right about not thinking of every girl you meet as girlfriend material. Obviously you are in a mental state where you shouldn't be even thinking about being in a romantic relationship.

And to beat yourself up, everybody hates themselves lol.

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