Laws of Sexual Dynamics (5)

1 Name: Anonette : 2008-06-27 12:48 ID:8B8btspy

>First Law

In a given dispute, the female is more likely to be correct.

>Second Law

If you think a girl is attracted to you, you are wrong.

I read these as I was going through the Questionable Content archives and I wondered if any secret admirers can dispute their validity. I can assume, though not safely, that the Second Law is significant to both males, lesbains and clueless straight females and can be applied to both males and females, through experience, though I could be wrong.

Oh, and just like Asimov's Laws of Robotics, the first law always trumps the second.

So, Laws of Sexual Dynamics, y/n?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-27 20:39 ID:P1CH+NGb

No, not really.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-28 01:13 ID:I4Xh4BVX

So much for equality.

4 Name: Anonette : 2008-06-28 02:52 ID:8B8btspy


Oh yes, that cruel cruel hand of fate giving women those bosoms. Seriously, check out the comics (they're in the link) before you start spouting stuff about equality.

>I read these as I was going through the Questionable Content archives and I wondered if any secret admirers can dispute their validity
>can dispute their validity

Oh yeah and before I forget-*LEARN TO READ, DUMBASSES

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-29 02:59 ID:0QqPJuuq

Very rarely have I observed that a female is right in a dispute(with a guy), even though mostly guys who are fools would try to take on a given one. It is a rare and sweet thing to find a woman you can actually reason with when she has a strong opinion about something, especially if she's not just agreeable out of affection.

If I think a girl is attracted to me, I'm always proven right. I never honestly believed if it wasn't true, although I'll admit I've tried to convince myself on occations. It is as if you can smell it, read it out of her face and in her words and gestures. The harder they try to hide it, the more it reeks. You cannot analyze it, it can only be felt. You just sit back and breathe in the situation, and without any preconcieved ideas and attempts at reasoning, you can let the naked reality about peoples emotions sink straight into you.

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