I like this girl, we get along great. but she has a boyfriend (17)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-11 22:49 ID:HvYabeWR

Yeah. Or she's shit-testing you and wants to see if you have the balls to pull her away from her boyfriend (yeah, girls are like this sometimes, and it's not always a conscious process... that's sad). That is, she wants to see if you'll "fight" for her (that's not a litteral fight, though it might happen).

Either you suck it up and let things go their way (95% probability they'll stay together or they'll break up and she'll find someone else), or you comfront her and tell her it'd just be great if she dumped her insecure boyfriend (use that word) and just went with you. Which might result in her getting pissed off at you; her laughing it off, and maybe putting some distance; or her appreciating the fact and considering the solution.

I think your chances are dim anyway, but it's up to you to decide what to do now. Good luck!

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