I've got a date with a Junior Idol in two days WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO.
What's a Junior Idol?
>>2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_idol << that, i guess
dont piss off her rottweiler dad
no different from any other girl.
food, talk
walk around
sling arm around her
hold hands if that went well on the way out
hug at the end of the ngiht, say you want to do it again and you'll call her
Yo OP! You are so cool! How could you got that kind of offer?? gets jealous
I won it at an Oimoya store during one of her events. They were raffling random prizes, and my ticket (you get a ticket if you buy more than 10000 yen's worth or stuff) was called, so…
But if you're being sarcastic, then…
lollers, I thought this was a joke. Definitely go on date, OP. Also take pics.
so the situation is, she is an teeny idol and you're an typical otaku?
I would say, just behave normal and have a great day, but i don't think you should expect to much...
Just save the game at this spot, if the date goes wrong you can always go back and try again.
Upskirt, OP, you know you want to take upskirt for us. We want upskirt.
OP! if somehow you fall in love with her then go with it! I support although i wish i was you sobs
well, first tell me what she looks like? in detail, then maybe i will help choosing your next move ^___^
Which idol?
I agree. Fucking upskirt.