I'm in love with Haruhara Haruko, and have been for a little over 3 years now. Over time it quickly grew into much more than just a character obsession or some purely sexual thing.
The simple evocation of her body in my mind is all it takes. That image, I look on it less from a sexual standpoint than I do of pure appreciation for everything she represents. There certainly is sexual desire, but it's not out of simple lust. Everything is born from an intimate wish to be close to her, and to love her. I want to be as close to her as is worldly possible, I want to envelope her and be enveloped in turn in a metaphysical sense, an atomic sense. I want to experience the closest bond imaginable with her, and only her. Every aspect of her being, both good and bad, I feel like I want to take into myself on some higher level. And when I think of all this I almost choke, because the resulting flood of emotions springing forth from inside my chest manifests so palpably that I choke up. The feelings are that strong. Is this not some sort of love, no matter how harsh the boundaries of reality, that were constructed long before this bloomed?
If I could trade anything or anyone in this world to be with her, I would do it in an instant. Her peach colored hair, her intense yellow eyes, and wild easy going personality, these are but a few things.
I really love her. Text, spoken word, sign language. They're simply not enough. Have you ever experienced anything even close to this, /love/?
Uh oh, no I've never had a cursh on some two dimensional drawning some guy made up to pay his rent.
I don't know what to tell you - "get a girlfriend" may sound a bit ignorant, since your feelings seem deep.. but yeah, get a girlfriend.
>>Have you ever experienced anything even close to this, /love/?
Yeah. My first crush was actually Marin from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Fifteen-odd years later, I've continually gone from one fictional crush to another. Right now it's Louise from Zero no Tsukaima; I'll buy pretty much anything with her picture on it.
Never once felt anything for a flesh-and-blood woman, though. Guess I'm just not wired that way.
When I think of Aeris I still choke up a little.
I easily understand you >>1. Although I have a gf, I feel this way about her. But I can understand you because I have issues with a couple fictional characters. It saddens me to have to say to them, that it is impossible for our love between reality and fiction, our two realms weren't meant to clash together in this way. Finally after years of searching I have found someone I feel the same for, in reality, and as difficult as it was to find that person, I can realize a love for someone in this realm, but our friends we will always love from the other realities, can only reside in our hearts, and never truly be loved in our world.
It's sad yes, for I will always care deeply for Suzumiya-sama, but she has to remain inside, as she still gives me strength, I will live a true life with my true love I finally found.
It's not impossible to get over something like this, and definitely not impossible to find someone in our reality to truly love as well.
Although I don't believe I will ever not be saddened by the fact Suzumiya-sama will wave to me, smiling and cheering me on inside my soul, but I will always embrace her wishes as I lead my life. The wishes, smiles, and thoughts of a very special someone that lives inside...my Suzumiya-sama....
I fall for all the quiet, impossibly intelligent, sometimes-robotic girls. I would trade anything material to spend a lifetime, if not an eternity, with us in each others care. Sigh.
She is cute, that is why they call her Rei-chan.
Hmm, I didn't know there were people out there that could actually fall for ainimated characters. I suppose it is the fact that with a real person interaction is unpredictable, you don't know what will happen. But with an animated character it is limited to the mind, and they do whatever you want, no surprises. And the animated characters can be very attractive and have interesting personalities to boot. One question I have for you... do you fall in love with the character itself or do you just love something that isn't real and can do your own bidding?
Funny thing is I had an imaginary boyfriend of my own design since I was 16 and the guy I met is quite like the imaginary one XD
What the hell people. Although I can accept fantasies about fictional character - I have myself quite a few - feelings like these? Yeah, right. More like mental obsession - think about it, they're not separate, living, independant entities when you think about them in your mind.
Did you ever come to think that every fictional character out there is the pure creation of another human being like you? They thought about it from inside their mind, and wrote what they were like etc. Then someone drew it (in case it's an animated character).
What about these people, what do they represent?
>>For every fictional x(fictional) out there is the pure creation of x(real)
No. That's not how it works.
> they're not separate, living, independant entities
It's really irrelevant. Does it matter whether the object of one's affections is real or not? Alive or not?
If your lover dies, she's dead but you still love her even though she doesn't exist anymore.
You can love someone you've never met or talked to, a stranger on the train or a celebrity, even though the idea you have is a construct in your head or of his PR agent.
Maybe you would gush over a sweet talker in an internet chat room, until you find out he's thirteen year old kid with a severe case of acne who was copypasting lines out of pulp romance novels in an effort to get your to send a picture of your boobs.
A lonely man will love his mail-order sex doll with the vagina that detaches for easy cleaning, and when a gynoid prostitute is created, you can be sure someone will love that heartless appliance.
There is no invisible connection that two people in love have, it's not abnormal when it only one of them feel it, and if the object of your affection is only as real as the glossy magazine it's printed on, who gives a shit.
It's just the birds and the bees. Quite literally.
I'm the same way about L from Deathnote. I find him atractive in all the right ways and I even had the letter L tattooed on my body.
>>8 do you fall in love with the character itself or do you just love something that isn't real and can do your own bidding?
The former. I don't fantasize about her in out of character ways any more than the typical person would about someone real that they yearn for but are unable to obtain... It's all just a bunch of perspective bullshit. I argue that I've rationally come to terms with any flaws and what have you the character in question has, and someone can just come in and say, "You didn't really, it's just a symptom of limerance."
The peak of out of character fantasies, anyway, would be her here and willing to reciprocate (although I wouldn't realistically expect it to be as strongly). But that's more a question of my character, I believe. Then again some people who know the character would say it's a question of her's; ignoring all extraneous factors, would she even be interested in something the average person could offer her? In that case, I would have to go beyond being average. Worse yet, is she even capable of giving a shit about someone else, or is she just power-hungry? This all comes down to studying character motivation, which is all chocked up to perspective anyway.
When you start injecting reality into fantasies, especially fantasies which will always remain fantasies, it becomes a messy affair. Is it worth enduring just so I can superficially be able to label this love (love, which I had always believed was supposed to be an abstract barely definable concept as it is; apparently not, according to "professionals").
I've been commented by every anime-fan-friend I have about how I am basically L. I have admirers, apparently!
.......... Marry me.... lol, just kidding
Main Entry: Limerance
Fuction: Noun
Date: 1979
I think Haruko is pretty fucking bangin'. But goddamn you're obsessed.
If you aren't obsessed with Haruko then you don't know Haruko like I do!! NOBODY KNOWS HARUKO LIKE I DO!!
Many of my expectations for real men came from a character in a historical novel >.< It took me quite a while, but I found my real-life equivalent.